When “keeping it Real” goes wrong.
American soldier here, and I’m sorry to say, but protests don’t come when they are convenient for the disaffected. They are spectacles intended to grab the attention of those not paying attention. And kneeling during the anthem?...come on. It’s a racist song designed to play on the self-serving, blind allegiances of…
Reading this article is probably the happiest I’ll be during this Lions season. Imagine being the fan of a franchise and the happiest you know you’ll be during the entire football season is reading a Drew Magary piece in freakin’ July.
That headline, devoid of the context of his birthday, made me think he died. Glad to know he’s alive. RIP, however, to those defenders’ ankles.
If he had ended up on teh cowboys and Emmitt was on the lions Barry would have had 25k yards rushing and emmitt would have been a night manager at a bowling alley after 3 years in the league.
glad this webstie still supprots the 2nd amendemnt
I still can’t understand how anybody can watch the way Trump behaves and think “yep, that’s good and normal.” If the guy who grooms my dogs behaved like this, spoke like this, tweeted like this... I’d find a new guy to groom my fucking dogs. And I’m not even talking about the abhorrent racism and xenophobia and…
Peacocks are at least visually appealing, and most likely, marginally more intelligent.
Newt Gingrich cosplayer
It’s actually a peninsula.
What’s the chances she lied about her age also?
Good for her! Enough with this “ gotta hear both sides” nonpartisan horseshit. She’s not going to change anybody’s mind with the Fox viewing audience; those people are, for all intents and purposes, gone and they are never coming back
Counterpoint: Florida is a swing state with lots of rich people and real estate money, which means they’ll get bailed out and subsidized for years, including when it’s no longer tenable at all to keep selling the real estate.
... this probably needs to be career ending.