
Fun fact: His character name is Mason Storm and the working title for the movie was 'Seven Year Storm' (because he came out of a coma after 7 years and raised all sorts of hell)

If anyone is genuinely curious about learning more about Seagal on this level, check out Seagalogy by Outlaw Vern. It's a quality read through his filmography, and fucking hilarious to boot.

Is this a remake of Thirst?

B- here, 3.5 stars at the dissolve, 76% RT, 76 Metascore - for once it's really nice to see a consensus on a big movie. *checks imdb score*… 9.4/10!!!

The Lincoln Lawyer 2: Lincoln Astronaut?

I watched Hellraiser 1 & 2 over the weekend and they are so much worse than I remember them being when I watched them years ago. I have no idea how they are considered horror classics - stilted, inorganic dialogue, the effects aren't as good as I remember them being (as a fan of practical effects), and the scares just

This move was an A for me. It blew me away, it definitely walked the line between downright bleak and outright funny at times, but it did it so well. Definitely in my top 10 of the year and prefer this to The Guard.

I watched snowpiercer last week and still can't decide if I liked it or not

I feel like so many people I know hated Godzilla that I've gone to the extreme opposite side of the argument to defend it. It's a solid 6 or 7 out of 10, but no more than that.

He's sadly reached a point where no matter how good Detox is, it can never live up to what we imagine it is. Just release it already… his ghostwriters will be literal ghosts by the time it drops.

when I giant robot samurai came on I felt like I had fallen asleep, awoken and was now watching a completely different movie. What is it with comic book movies and bad endings?

How hard can it 'bee'? Bzz..We’ll see who brings in more honey. Bzz…

I can't stop listening to Mouth Sounds

VHS 3 - Very Hard Sell

They did their whole summer preview under the premise of how each film can be related to leprechaun origins. I'm simply saying the avclub, uh…finds a way.

Since WWE studios made Leprechaun, does that mean WWE Network subscribers get this one with their subscription?

Is the Hercules movie a comedy, because that anti-badass picture of the Rock is cracking me up?

Pop quiz hotshot: How many of these movies get an 'A' from the great A.A. Dowd? Over/Under 1

I respect that. It's not a movie I'll ever watch again, but I remember being the only person in the room who liked it when I watched it. It's purely a style over substance affair, it has the idea that there is more to it but it's actually hollow. As an experiment in style, it worked for me, as a satisfying layered