Dean Beyer

“...but died anyway”

It seems to me that the best time to be doing all of this was like 5 years ago.

Let’s be honest, all megachurches are corporations. They exist only to make money and exert political and cultural power. They have zero interest in the spiritual, physical, or economic wellbeing of their congregants.

Ah, so Martin wasn’t allowed to stand his ground, just the armed man stalking him was... got it.

Correct, he was being stalked by an armed man and justifiably felt in danger of physical harm, so he exercised his right to use force to defend himself.  

It seems to me that the problem is the perception (if not the truth - I haven’t had a chance to read the Forbes article yet) that the sacrifices we each need to make to combat climate change are “unglamourous” (e.g. taking public transit ‘like a plebe’ if it’s even available, living in an apartment building instead of

Is this the same 10-speed that they co developed with GM? It always got good initial reviews, I wonder if GM is having problems with it too

Directions unclear, bought a Citroen DS

Those wheels doe... Oof.

I am SO confused. Salvage title almost always signals RUN without further explanation of the accident/flooding/whatever.

Dilbert sucks, and has always sucked.

My god this is dumb.

One of the the many, many things I loathe about these ghouls is the way they are always so damn lame with their attempts at “jokes.” You just know MTG think she’s making the sickest burn with this balloon when in reality she just looks like the dumb loser she has always been.

No you’ve got it all wrong, the cars are spending too much time in QC during the production process. They just need to speed them through faster. Customers won’t really notice if there’s a bit of overspray on the windows, or if the panels don’t quite line up, right? Do more of that.

Only problem is that in 10-15 years, they'll be coming out next quarter still. 

Tesla.  You will never convince me that those cars are luxury.  Panel gaps I can see through, horrible interiors, “leather” that is just nasty, seats that suck, etc etc etc.

Doesn’t surprise me.  It’s a truly all-new design.  They have to go through the same learning and debugging process that Tesla and others had to do with their new dedicated BEV platforms. 

It’s also arguably among the best-looking Cadillacs of the 21st century.

4th generation Nissan Pathfinder.

Honda Crosstour