Dean Beyer

First thing I thought of too. But the plane’s accident history is more the fault of well-heeled people who could afford to fly one but didn’t stay proficient in them.

Buddy Holly killer, I think? 

Wow, I just googled the plane, and “doctor killer” was referenced in the 2nd  search result.

This is post-BK GM. This thing debuted for 2013. GM filed BK in 2009.

Ferrari 308. As ergonomically effective as it is elegant.

Literally anything that you need to adjust while the vehicle is in motion.

As a child of the 80's, it was the Lamborghini Countach all the way. I had the posters, model cars, Hot Wheels, lunch box, Trapper name it. Although I have seen the retrospective review by James May with the cautionary tale of “don’t meet your heroes”, I just don’t care how hard they are to drive and

Probably my dad’s 1985 Pontiac Fiero. He had it until I was around 6 years old when he sold it after buying a Dodge Dakota pickup. Technically the first car I drove, too! I remember sitting in his lap steering it up our street while he worked the pedals and shifter. Actual picture of it around he time he listed it for

WTF? Their car failed to keep out basic weather, and Tesla are saying it isn’t covered under warranty? Fuck Tesla.

No notes.

Highway onramps are for accelerating up to highway speeds.

I wish they taught people how to properly position your mirrors so you dont have blind spots. I figured this out on my own in highschool but i know lots of older adults who still dont know this

1981 Jetta diesel. 52 hp, starter motor was about 1/10 of that. Fuel turned to wax in the cold weather because it had no fuel line heater. 12 volt battery was too small for the high compression engine and the huge starter. I made mods to all that after the first winter. Continual issues followed I swear that it was

Pontiac Aztec, now hear me out.

Real leather made from actual animal hide.

The Challenger hands down. Sure it’s alot bigger than it’s elder, but they captured the look extremely well. I wanted to say the new countach, but that’s a little too modern looking in respects to the old one and they didn’t even include the wing.

I’m having a hard time reconciling 29 weeks.

waaaaaaa WAH WAH!

Personally, it reminds me more of the Isdera/CW311 than the C111. Which means the Peter Gunn theme is now in my head. 

What’s the mileage hit like on the ICE versions of these trucks, when hauling the same payload?