Dean Beyer

GM definitely left that generation of Firebird/Camaro on the vine too long.

ALL HOA boards can fuck right off.   Have you ever - in your life - heard a story about an HOA doing something good?

Agreed, but keep in mind Jolie was more than happy to help Pitt spend an entire decade portraying Jennifer Aniston as a selfish loser career women who hated children while she presented herself as the mother of all mothers. She could have put her foot down on that and didn’t. She encouraged it. The patriarchy isn’t

To me the Ford Mavericks always kinda looked like it was from 2006

That there isn’t one.

Brand loyalty. Rather than be happy to be around fellow enthusiasts, they tear each other down for the vehicle not having the right badge (as they see it).

Let me fix this for you

The floating roof trend reminds me of a toupee

It looks reasonably well-styled and boasts a competitive powertrain, price and feature set. I think we’re about to see perhaps the most competent lineup of GM cars in a long time.

This! She has a long history of crazy behavior before she reinvented herself as Mother Teresa. He has a long history of being on drugs.

WTF are those photos? And again, the story is SHE put HIM in a choke hold because he “looked like” he might attack the boy and he flung himself BACKWARDS AWAY FROM HER which then somehow is HIM assaulting HER?

I think GM is doing the whole EV thing right. They have a great CEO. She has spent a lifetime in the industry and probably has a more realistic idea of what it takes to rollout new platforms.  Their new EV platform was meant to be more easily updated as far as whatever future might happen with batteries and their form

I believe this whole story...especially the part where Pitt says: “No, mommy’s not OK. She’s ruining this family. She’s crazy.”

Its good looking.
I doubt we will get it as a coupe.

Its a concept - so... why not give it a Daytona nose and crazy wing?

Hey, we all fuck up sometimes. Been there, done that...

That’s a pretty sexist thing to say. Uncool!

I just gotta ask:  Why isn’t this lady’s picture plastered all over these articles?

It depends if your overall concern is EV adoption generally, or specifically just US production.

I think driving is a pretty big part of being into cars.