
Not really, but ok.

Now playing

There are some bad wrecks at Watkins. No safer barriers and odd angles on the guardrails. Go to about 1.41 in this video and watch it to the end.

I wouldn't say that Stewart 'wrecked' him. I don't see any contact in that video between the cars, except for Ward sliding into the wall.


Maybe Have Blue, which people thought was a space ship? For size, the Manhattan Project?

Beautiful card, bought it as a kid from a local dealer.

I wondered about Skyline.

I've got that some one, center section, left.

The local politician is the one that passes laws, not Mr. Science.

It just takes longer and further.

A highway patrol friend once told me that three things happen to guys on bikes who run, they either 1) get caught 2) get away or 3) get killed. I guess in a car, you could add 'get horribly mangled in an auto accident and sued by everybody involved.'

What kind of road was it, your story just says "rural straightaway." That's relevant. 93 is a lot 'faster' on a two lane country road than a four lane highway.

It isn't about revenue. There is no way that a patrol officer is going to be able to cover his or her salary and benefits, and the cost to process the judicial paperwork, and the Judge and Prosecutor, by writing citations.

"It was great incentive not to screw up ever again, that's for sure. I'm never going back."

Exactly. Next year there is always going to be something faster. It's the experience.

I wasn't trolling, what I said was true.

Biggest news out of Roush today is that Mark Martin is back! Even if it is in a coaching role, it's a step forward for their cup program.

That's cute! My two year old likes to say "Disgusting!" all the time too, I think she got it from Peppa Pig. Have a nice day. :)

This is always so much easier once "build and price" is avialble!

Yes, it's awesome.