
Um, because those are the kinds of videos that people who like to video police officers like to put up for public consumption, since they don't follow the proper narrative?

I can't believe that haven't caught grief for what has to be the worst joke of the year.

Maybe GM, but don't bother asking them about it, because it's likely they won't recall.

That's wonderful! It really is. What's great is the "don't tell mommy" because I say the same thing, and the first thing my daughter does when we get home is to say "we went fast!"

It's not that bad, but a MGW certainly is a welcome change.

I would think the most logical would be Laguna Seca.

Looking forward to Wed. night!

Detroit / Roger and Me.

You left out BENGHAZZI!!!!

Yes, Norm Benning was pretty damn awesome last year.

You will be in the infield, not the cheap seats so you won't have chunks of dirt thrown at you! But yes, bring plugs.

Kenny Schrader. Seriously, it's going to happen this year.

Can you imagine this kind of ad today? I can't... of course, somebody will produce one with this kind of detail now that I've said this.

Thar was exactly what I was thinking!

American could have just as easily not even got involved in World War I, and it wouldn't have made a lick of difference to the United States in the end, and if you think Wilson just walked down to Congress and asked for a declaration of war because it was "opportunistic" certainly shows a lack of understanding about

Yes, and the Germans wouldn't have invaded Russia if Stalin hadn't stupidly signed a non-aggression pact with them, giving them the opportunity to get ready for such a war, or would Hitler been as stupidly aggressive in 1939 had certain parties pushed back more in 1938 at Munich. Just pointing this out, since it

Not to mention all the puke inside the aircraft!

So cute, since I can pick up the sarcasm in it!... I think.

Ha ha ha! Happily most prosecutors in this part of the country are elected, and are going to say to the drone owner "You did what? You flew your plastic helicopter over the neighbor's house and you want me to prosecute him for shooting it down? How the hell am I going to explain that at the County Fair next year? Get

I'm not sure that you can lump everyone that's homeless together like that. I'm sure that some were taxpayers at some point, and it's just as likely that some never have.