Must be good to be rich.
Must be good to be rich.
Half-Life 3 confirmed.
The “unlimted mileage” warranty is only for 1 year though. Is this really a deal?
But what games at launch will fully support it and/or be designed specifically for it?? I’ve been reading all I can about it and there haven’t been any real games that have stuck out in my mind.
Thank God Fallout 4 doesn’t require and internet connection!
It's just missing a crappy shader.
It looks like he’s actually saying “I didn’t do this” not “how could you do this”
I’m not saying it should be perfect! But this is the 3rd console Microsoft has made and it’s the year 2015. Even if it was 2012 asking for a console to run a games at 1080p isn’t something I should be complaining about because they should run games at 1080p. Don’t tell me that the Ps4 doesn’t do it because that…
I kind of was also- mainly because everyone was so pissed about it. I thought “Great! No one will buy the X1 and everyone will buy the PS4 and all of my friends will be on the same console!”
Because they do it in shitty ways. Remember when they announced the X1? If there hadn’t been such incredible public backlash- that’s the console you’d have now if it weren’t for people complaining.
I have issues with this console generation. It’s been pretty crappy from both Microsoft AND Sony sides.
Yes, but Microsoft makes it all way more obvious- the massive power brick, the microsoft points economy (RIP, thank god), the disc drive/used game controversy before launch, the Kinect, the Zune (not xbox related but you get the point).
If the X1 does end up doing Netflix/Amazon 4K it’ll only make the console’s painful struggle with games more obvious.
The cutscene comment could be subjective, sure. But the game doesn’t run 1080p all the time. That’s not subjective. It doesn’t. The console has trouble running other games at 1080p also. Google “Xbox one 900p” and see what comes up. Star Wars Battlefront runs at 720p!!! That’s not a next-gen resolution!
Maybe you can’t see the difference between 1080p and 900p but can you see all the textures popping in and out? That’s all over the single player campaign. I’m sorry, but it’s crap. The console has been out for 2 years, and this game released this year!
-Halo 5 isn’t 1080p. It’s supposed to be but it has an adaptive resolution that goes from 1080p to 900p depending on the stuff on screen that it can’t handle. Have you seen the Warzone intro cutscenes? They’re UGLY! It looks like they were done in MS paint.
Microsoft still has a long way to go.
This game is still a thing?
This is awesome! I was so excited to hear a new Underground game would be coming but very disappointed to read all these problems with it. Now that they’re fixed I may actually pick the game up (if I can just finish building out my settlement in Fallout 4...)
After hearing about the unusually cruel treatment Konami has given Kojima (one of the industry’s great auteurs!) why would anyone want to work for them?