You’re right and it sucks
You’re right and it sucks
You got that right. I forgot all about that.
Welcome! In the before Gizmodo times, in the long long ago, all the What’s on Tonights were robust, and Jay S had Jeopardy recaps for all to enjoy. Franco would recap classic shows for our delight! It was better then, in the before times... I think I might remember you from back when we cursed Disqus? What fools we…
ODB. He was blessed by something higher.
What the fuck are you even talking about man
Wilson Pickett’s cover of Hey Jude (w/ Duane Allman)
And Radiohead named Pablo Honey after a Jerky Boys prank phone Radiohead’s first album is the missing link between Stephen Tobolowsky and the Jerky Boys.
I’d put decent odds on a Snoke flashback since J.J. has to be pissed he got almost 0 characterization before being offed.
Nope, that was Bido 1 (John Bido), who did a lot of their later stuff. But yes, dope song.
I like the show. But, I feel like it’s lost its way. I hope season 3 improves because season 1 was great! – Elizabethd, LONDON, United Kingdom, about 6 hours ago
Again, great movie but its not better than either Jackie Brown or Get Shorty.
This joke has never been funny by anyone who has ever said it. Like in no context has this just ever been considered good. I’m not even saying this because I’m offended by it, I’m a cis male. Yes I don’t think you should say this joke because it does belittle the trans community. But you also shouldn’t say it because…
That reminds me how we turned that poor lady from the McDonald’s coffee lawsuit into a punchline despite the fact that the coffee was too damn hot. She had third degree burns on her thighs and crotch. I think even remember them saying her clothes had fused to her skin in some areas. At least Jay Leno got some jokes out…
I hope that Owen Wilson and Wes Anderson collaborate on another screenplay. I have loved Anderson’s recent output, but there’s something about Rushmore and The Royal Tenenbaums which make them hold a special place in my heart. It’s hard to pin down exactly what it is, but I guess there’s a more visceral emotionalism…
Three words: Van Buren Boys...
No love for the Bavarian Illuminati from Illuminatus!? They summoned an undead Nazi army and fuckin Yog-Sothoth.
What gets me is that, given Tarantino’s output, how anybody thought the Manson murders was going to be the exclusive focus of the story and not a convenient and interesting part of the general background is beyond me.
Well, maybe if she told them the bad news in a good way...
It’s been 20 years since I’ve come across another fan. Cheers!