
I would push reform-minded people towards actual reform and not advocates for left wing policies watered down to appease right wing interests. There’s is also the point I forgot to make in my original post that they’re boring and severely unfunny.

Good lord, these guys are less than useless. Anyone that gets their politics, much less left wing politics, from them should be shunned from society.

As someone with almost no familiarity with hockey, its almost jarring how short that offseason is though, it seems like weeks.

Also its Weisbecker

If you like Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy type stuff, check out Cosmic Banditos, if not his non fiction stuff is where he talks about Buffet and other stuff like that.

Are you familiar with the works of A.C. Weisenbecker? An ex-drug runner turned television writer for stuff like Miami Vice. He always praised early Buffet for being the voice of his, drug mule i guess, community.

Your point is that people are suggestible in ways you find stupid and therefore the encouragement of suicidal behavior should be promoted?

Really not seeing the A->B logic behind your two paragraphs

There’s a pro fortnite circuit? How come I’ve never heard of any big tournaments or anything?

Hey how come only Mitch follows you on twitter? Couldn’t get that coveted Wiger Follow?

Thus, the roommates first, of what would end up being thousands, eye roll occurred...

I think people don’t realize most of Buffet’s early work is about drug running.

I’d like to believe every writer has their own intricate and precise ranking metric.

I’d really like to sit down with a bunch of internet writers and have them explain to me how they decide whether  something is priceless, everything, or wins the internet

He did Secret Agent Man too, right?

I wonder if AVClubs ever done a package deal listicle. My entry would be Chris Tucker and Tommy “Tiny” Lister, they were in three movies together in the late nineties and yet only one do they have any scenes together.

The oldies station where I grew up had Johnny Rivers on heavy rotation and now I havent heard peep about him in pop culture for like 15 years. Summer Rain still bangs though.

I very much like this comment.

Its also super dangerous to mix with other, harder drugs, since its a depressant

What do you mean, I really remind you of money?