
My parents would have thrown a parade if I got anywhere near a 3.0.

There's actual evidence of him being lobsters? I have never been able to tell with Lobsters, it kinda seemed like every troll just gets called Lobsters and people just accept it.

My opinion of them was definitely colored by Atom and His Package who wrote several songs about how much he hated Slayer for using nazi imagery.

Its weird that these guys spend all day trolling comment sections and seem committed to fighting back against anti-anti semitism and then call themselves eli goldshekel

You've kinda pinpointed why I never cared for this show despite liking supernatural stuff generally and SMG specifically. I hate shows where you can kind of get the impression the creator is bored of making a regular tv show. I'm never actually going to be scared or worried about the characters if i just saw them do a

Annoyingly wishy washy end to this article, Sam. Just say you don't like that he appeared to be defending Casey Affleck. How is it a "weird" thing for Lonergan to respond to someone calling him compicit in condoning sexual assualt.

Why don't you learn to SPEAK AMERICAN!

He was gonna use the term San Francisco cocksuckers but that has an entirely different meaning these days

Way to be on brand, Drinky

I could be wrong but I feel like I've only heard other comedians refer to them both as she/her.

You got items for killing Hammer Bros, no?

Ha no, he hasnt been on as himself in forever, im sure hes got alot of things to plug

I kinda feel bad DVK never gets to go on as himself and plug his own stuff

I love Samm on the show but you would think being so much better then the other contestants he woulden't be an asshole about things but he's definitely still an asshole about things

Also, you could win that game without knowing anything about the movie just by telling the other contestant to name it.

Oh no way, there was way too much time spent explaining the wagering aspect that didint really lead to funny stuff happening. Last man stanton is fool proof.

Nice, you got to go to a marky mark episode

Did you let him know you finished the challenge, I havent heard him mention that he knew of anyone who had completed the challenge i dont think

He does a month off from booze every year but never weed

Right, I get what you're saying.