Dealkiller the Very Tired

I think I would have stopped and waved that stupid fucker on. Unless my bike is on fire, I would not have a clue as to why someone would stay on my ass and honk at me. These guys are riding well within their rights, and are not impeding traffic in any way. I've seen a few asshat bicyclists who feel they need to use

He's warned you people over and over again, yet you refuse to listen!

No shit. If I was the driver, I'd either back up and move, or simply let the car idle forward. If the cyclist gets pushed out of the way, I have plenty of video, right there, proving I was in fear of my life.

Because they sold about ten of them, as they were more expensive than the normal V6 model, and didn't have significantly better MPG than the way cheaper 4 cylinder's.

Wow. I was at a rural county fair last weekend, and I never saw such a woman going any where near the vintage tractors they had on display. I must have been to the wrong fair. Damn.

One thought on this, if gravity has increased so much that birds can't fly, wouldn't it effect flying insects as well? And since many insects rely on flight in order to move, wouldn't there be a similar die off of insects too?

They should have split when they had the chance.

Chairman Mao fully supports this woman's ability to crash automobiles made by the Capitalist, Imperialist westerners. With each Buick taken off the road, more and more domestic Chinese cars blatantly copied from the foreign devils will be made.

My best fly over story was several years ago when I was out riding my bicycle along a river near my house. I pulled off the road near one of the city's parks, where they had built a large wooden deck that overlooks the river. I started to hear the distinct rumbling of several large airplane engines, when this

Well, it depends on which continent. North America? Sure. Europe/Asia? Yep. Antarctica? Umm, no.

Anyway. Back to the girl.

Very nice story. The best car you can teach someone to drive a manual transmission with is not your own. I taught my sister in-law how to drive a stick, as she was co-driving with her sister down to Austin. Her sister's Grand Am was a manual, and I taught her how to drive it. It's a good thing GM makes pretty stout

I'm sorry, but I must disagree with you on this point. It's his truck, and he can do with it as he pleases. Is it in the best taste? Not really, but it is professionally done. And, since it's just a vinyl wrap, it can be removed when Mr. Laymon finally grows up, moves out of his parent's basement and finds that a

No, that's the sound of Mr. Lucas getting his lawyers ready for copy-right infringement.

That's NOT a Hot Wheels, that's a Matchbox! When will people get this right? Didn't "I Hate American Cars" teach you anything this week? ;-)

Yep, big hair, bleached blonde = Awesome.

You, Sir (Madam?) have way too much time to be going through that many posts. But, yes, it is the best Matchbox car ever made.

Wow, that's sick and twisted. Too bad most won't know who the hell that is.

My Cosmobile was the most awesome Matchbox ever made. Why, you ask? Because it had lasers on top, rocket thrusters at the back end, and always, always landed wheels down when zooming over the space cushions on the couch. I still have it, and it sits in my sons room with all the other cars I've kept since the early

I still have mine from when I was a kid. I think the stickers are still intact, but I need to redo the front rivet, as it busted off some time ago.