Wouldn't that weigh, oh, about a 1/2 ton more than a conventional door?
Wouldn't that weigh, oh, about a 1/2 ton more than a conventional door?
Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrongity wrong. If by dumbest you mean "coolest" than I'll let that pass. But being able to make your SUV into a camper is awesome. Sleeping on the cold, cold ground = not awesome. The car is still a joke, but the tent feature was not, IMHO.
Screws fall out all the time, the world's an imperfect place.
I'm with your there, buddy, I'm with you. At 6'4" and 215lbs ;), I'd probably just be able to squeeze into that car. But, I'm more realistic and know in my heart of hearts, it just ain't gonna happen.
My guess:
Please, please, please tell me this was just some evil person photo shopping that nose on the front end of a Mustang. No one could be that tasteless, could they?
If you can find one, buy it and hold on to it for a few years. They are rare, well built and of good quality. That is what you need for it to be collectable. A Crown Vic? Yeah, maybe in a 100 years when we are all dirt, sure. But something that wasn't sold in huge numbers will be increasing in value much sooner, like…
Those would be collectable, as they have the one prerequisite, they are RARE! A Ford Crown Vic was produced in the tens, if not hundreds of thousands, with no major changes for several years. If it ain't rare, it isn't going to be worth much, even if it is old.
Ok, how about an engine misfire in my '03 Mazda Protege'. I had it to the mechanics shop, and they replaced a few items, but it still has this engine stumble. It usually happens when the engine is just warming up, maybe within the first 15 - 30 minutes of running. It feels like it is running on 3 cylinders. I pull…
Duh, because Race Car!
Sssshhh! You idiot, now they know!
This is how Michael Caine would sound.
Godwin's Law has been invoked! Please proceed to your designated safe areas!