This list is absolutely silly. Hooning a car is something, but do most people, even real gear heads, go about thrashing high end, high dollar cars?
Yeah, 'cause God knows that I surely wouldn't want a car that gets over 50 MGP, has the torque of V-8 and looks stylish to boot. That, and I wouldn't have to worry about a battery pack going dead after five to ten years.…
I LOVE that movie. That's why I'm scared of this new one. Every time a director includes more than one major villain, the plot just suffers horribly. I have my fingers crossed that Nolan can pull this off and leave on a high note.
Shit, if I rolled up to any park 'n shine in the land that built it, I'd be an instant hero. Nice price all the way.
What, no "Hat Tip" to 2xwishbonz? Hmm, someone gonna be pissed.
Zombies don't need to swim. They just wade through the water. They're the walking dead, no need to breath, so water is no real obstacle, if they decide they want your brains.
Thanks for that. Looks like lunch will be postponed for a while.
Have you SEEN the cost of diesel lately? Plutonium is probably cheaper. ;)
You can have all the "Want" you can handle, but there is as much chance of getting this legally titled in the US as importing a Russian Nuke Sub and using it for a fishing boat in Lake Erie. CP
The horn, man! The horn on that car is what makes it pure EVIL!
Heck, that looks like my Protege' after running around S.E. Michigan doing appraisal work. Since Michigan can't seem to pave roadways, during the spring and fall, the roads can be complete mud pits. I have to be careful when hosing off the grime to get all of the mud off the inner rims of the wheels, or it will dry in…
In a word, No. Once installed, it is permanent. The conversion requires a four door jeep, from which the rear doors are removed and the body kit installed over it. 'Course, with enough money, anything is possible.