Dealkiller the Very Tired

@Fodderthesane: My sister owns one, and I've given her shit about it ever since. This car was, I believe, one of the least popular cars sold in the last few years. Sorry to say, but Hyundai stopped selling minivans in 2010. Kia is now your only option for a new van from Korea.

My childhood cars were as follows:

Piss, it comes out after my birthday. Perfect for Christmas, then.

@malvones: For sale, lot of 236 cars ... Light smoke and / or water damage. Man, Google can do anything!

@Matt Hardigree: Oooh! That Lugi C. I'm not as up on my post modern industrial design as I probably should be, since this site is the #1 reason I can't get anything done at work. Thanks, Jalopnik!

@Matt Hardigree: Is that a complement or an insult? Who is Luigi C?

This is easy. The Cosmobile was my favorite car. It could do everything an 8 year old boy growing up in the seventies could possibly want a car to do. Drive down the road at 200+miles per hour? Check. Shoot lasers out of the headlights to defeat dangerous foes? Check. Fly to far away planets & galaxies just like your

This is easy. The Cosmobile was my favorite car. It could do everything an 8 year old boy growing up in the seventies could possibly want a car to do. Drive down the road at 200+miles per hour? Check. Shoot lasers out of the headlights to defeat dangerous foes? Check. Fly to far away planets & galaxies just like your

@Drujon: Great car. It would never fit into my carying case though. It was just a bit to long. Wonderful car though. All Matchbox cars made in England were far better than the ones today. Better paint, details, everything.

@Bentoboxx, My Tank is full of it: I have the exact same car, green paint & all. I loved the unpainted bumbers, because you could crash into other cars and not chip the paint. Heresy, I know to anyone who collects them, but to a 8 year old, who knew? My son plays with them once in a while, but the computer games are

@Piloter: Wow, it's like your channeling my thoughts through some kind of Vulcan mind trick or something. Me, personally, can't do shit to my cars without some kind of major disaster happening, or, when something does go right, large amounts of swearing that curdles my kids ears. Yet, I feel I'm a consider myself a

@RyGuy: Buick Regal??? D.I. Turbo four W/manual tranny. It's coming out soon, yes?

I think I was born with a love for cars. My mom says I wouldn't go to sleep without my Tonka Truck and several Matchbox cars spread out in my crib. After that, it was my dads Popular Mechanics, and then later a subscription to Car & Driver in the late 1980's, and I still read it today.

@Festering neon distraction: Why do you hate America? What kind of Communist, Socialist, Marxist claptrap is that. Don't you know we are to support corporations and be good consumers? Time to get you to one of Obama's "learning re-education centers" and straighten you out. Expect a knock on your door sometime today.

Suh wheet! More work for Toledo! Now I expect each and every one of you who say you'll buy it to man, or woman, up and go to your local dealer & place a down payment on one this week!