As a current Mazda owner, I feel obliged to nominate this little beauty. a 1988 323 GTX. It was not real cheap, but for what it was, a detuned rally car, it was the precursor of today's Evo's & Subura WRX's.
As a current Mazda owner, I feel obliged to nominate this little beauty. a 1988 323 GTX. It was not real cheap, but for what it was, a detuned rally car, it was the precursor of today's Evo's & Subura WRX's.
Yes, oh God help me, yes I would. If for no other reason than to piss off all the Obama haters in their jacked up Dodge/Ford/Chevy pick-ups as I casually tool down the road doing a very brisk 45 MPH. Viv La France!
Wow, a completely over styled rear end, a hatch that is JUST high enough I'll slice my forehead on it every time I open it (I'm 6'4") and enough buttons, with no apparent script that is legible, to keep my 6 year old happily pushing them until the thing is paid off in five years. Sign me up!
@ABSORB: The craigs list posting states it has 123,000 miles on it.
Woo Hooo!!! My first "Hat Tip"! On the very first try, even. It just goes to show you what hours of endless scanning of Craigs List can do for even the lowliest reader of the greatest automotive website on the internet. Sucking up has now ceased.
Didn't I hear that this movie is being filmed in Michigan/Detroit Area? I mean really, where else do Wolverines live?
@OldeEnglishD: You stole my dads '77 Tradesman? You Bastard! My dad spent hours putting in panelling, covering the rear wheel wells with storage lockers that could be converted into a bed or a table. That damn 318 V8 was nigh on indestructable.
@MrBangBam: Brought to you by the same Deathers, Birthers & Tenthers who are, unfortunately, becoming an increasing presence in our country. It's A Conspiracy!
@SCR: For the GTA, who knows.
@bigdave914: I saw one of these on the road Thursday. Much shorter than I though & just as ugly. Yeeyuk!
Mmmm Mmmm. More automotive goodness coming out just in time to be available as decent used cars when my current '03 Protege gets pounded into an undrivable heap by countless miles of Real Estate Appraising. It's this, the Fiesta or maybe, God willing, a Chevy Cruise, if it measures up & the turbo engine is for real.…
@engineerd: Shitastic?
How far is it from Toledo to Miami & back. This could be cheaper than renting a POS Kia mini-van.
Steve Doocey. Quite possibly the dumbest person on television. Glen Beck is a strong second, however.
Well, that little "three hour tour" will probably cost that guy 1 - 3 in the slammer, where he can be someone's "Little Buddy".
What? No full sized Dodge/Ford/Chevy vans? When I was a kid, my dad was a committed van man. He purchased a cargo van from his work for $1,000, painted it dark blue, left the top white, paneled the interior, laid down carpet and built wood boxes that went over the wheel wells that had a table that would fold down for…