Dealkiller the Very Tired

OK, as a Toledo resident, I soooo want to go to this race as it sounds like a complete blast. My one big question, is this something I can take my 5 year old son to, or would my wife completely freak out after he comes back swearing like a sailor & talking of the trashy chicks flashing their ta tas? If tickets are

The answer to the last question, having driven the families 18=978 Tradesman with the 316, is a definitive NO!

Ever since missing out on a For Sale Citroen SM of similar vintage & color, I have always had a soft spot for this particular car. Even though reliability may be an issue, it would be the perfect work car for me. Especially with the pneumatic suspension for those rough Michigan roads.

So let me get this straight. Body shop owner gets to work on this late model Celica with MINIMAL upfront funding from a known dubious person. Next time he may wish to get cash upfront before sinking $14K into someones car. Duh!

Black Helmet - $250

Officer: Excuse me son, do you think this is safe for the road?

My 72 year old Mom watched an episode of Top Gear about a week ago, and absolutely loved it! It was the American Road Trip one. She cares not one wit about cars, but laughed her head off at Clarkson pulling up in his POS Camaro with a dead steer on the roof. Absolutely priceless!

I'd go for the '92 Mustang. For that price, and the after market exhaust etc., it might be a good buy. And it's cheap fun. The others, with the exception of the Caddy, may or may not be what is advertised. Maybe I'm just a cynic, but trusting a $5.00 ad for a $40K car in Auto/RV just don't sound smart.

Oh my God! They're having a 24 hours in Toledo! If I had the wrenching talent (which I don't), the time (not even close), the money (yeah, right) and a place to store that black bastard or something like it, I could check off a big "things to do before I turn forty" item with two months to spare. Damn, life SUCKS! I

My dad had a '76 Tradesman with the 318. We disassembled the engine inside the truck in the fall with a kerosene heater in the back to keep us warm. When it was all back together, we only had two or three bolts left over. :D It ran pretty good 'till it rusted out completely. Then we got an '86 Ram Wagon with a slant

Those are Hot Wheels, not Matchbox cars. Hot Wheels were for kids who didn't no shit about cars. Matchbox were for those of us who loved cars and could name makes & models on sight at age eight. Of course, they've never been the same since they stopped making Matchbox cars in England. Long live the Queen!

A conversion van? Something made in a factory? Pure luxury! My dad, bless his cheap hide, bought his '78 Dodge Tradesman work van, put in some commercial grade carpeting, panelled the interior, bolted a bench to the side and two home made benches over the rear wheel wells and called it good. What a rolling death trap.

This car is for me! I've always like the Mini, as I have always driven small cars (my previous 626 not withstanding), and at 6'+, the thought of people watching as I unfold myself out of this car just make me smile. That, and the great handling and just a skosh more room in the cludbman would make it ideal for the