
No spacial awareness whatsoever.

Wouldn’t mind checking this out in person since I’m in the Richmond area, but after all that work, why would he leave the ruined quarter panel? Good candidate for a wide body I guess...

Let’s take a moment to ponder how much better the navi in the Miata looks than the one fitted to the Caddy...

Exactly how I would have one, and it’s always great to see vehicles with this kind of reputation find a loving owner that actually likes to drive!

Many larger dealerships use vendors for everything and a medley of programs that all tie together for inventory management and advertising. We would rather put all the pricing, packaging and tech specs online with temporary stock photo, than to not list an available vehicle all together. A missing portion of info is

If you’re concerned about being irresponsible with a car payment, then consider getting GAP insurance. You pay about five bucks more a month and have the option of driving your car off a cliff when you get bored of it, with none of the repo repercussions.