
Yes, congrats, David Lynch's Dune is generally agreed upon to be a terrible film. I'm not sure why this needed an article.

Talking about this site's cringey obsession with "shipping" everything, it's pretty much in every damn tv review and they linger way too long on it every time.

You mixed up raddest with saddest, it's okay, I'm sure you didn't mean it.

I personally can't stand Castle for the same reasons you can't seem to enjoy AoS, which breaks my heart because I love Nathan Fillion.

I would probably enjoy The Flash more if it wasn't on the CW and painfully obvious that it's on the CW.

Christ, no.

I'd say it lost most of the viewers it could've had thanks to a mediocre first season.

I need more Amy Acker in my life damn it.

Illyria/Fred is one of TV's greatest characters ever created, such a shame we couldn't hang with Illyria longer.

Guess I must have missed it, it wasn't in the season finale's review.

Man, I sincerely hope it doesn't have any love triangles at all. I'm reasonably optimistic that she'll keep it professional with everyone though.

Oh cool, I thought Homeland was done until January.

I'm willing to bet it's actually Simmons.

Shit lets just remake everything from the BBC.

I don't really care about who Korra ends up fucking when the series is over, Asami has never been a particularly interesting character in my eyes so that makes me care even less.

Ugh, stop the shipping nonsense in these reviews already, it's cringey as hell.

"but this is the most excited I’ve been about an election-related arc in a
long time, and that’s saying something considering how prevalent they
are on television. Sorry, The Good Wife. Every great show has to settle for runner-up once in a while."

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Simmons has become quite busty, I approve of this plot development.

Great, wonderful.