
I think he just doesn't like Gandhi as a person in history, not that it needed to have any actual relevance to the article. His original point was that you just don't hear about that side of the man and, while I do not believe you to be saying we shouldn't learn both the good and bad of people, I think he has a point.


I don't think that's what he's saying at all.

People should learn everything- both the good and the bad. He was just saying that your original comment was removed from the (amusing) information present in the article, and even requested that you somehow tie them together to make a line of correlation readers could

Lmao so were supposed to forgive their beliefs because they were appropriate for the time? They can't be held accountable? I'm not making a direct comparison but Hitler did a great many things too.

Multiple people in the game dev industry, including the person who made AC and the animator who did mo-cap and animation rigging for watch_dogs, said that the expense of new animations would be 1-2 days at most. Still not expensive considering they have more than 5 (I think the last count was 10) teams working on this

"We're actually going to add this really weird content in this game, but women still would have been too hard to animate"

I understand your point, and I think it's important to discern a lot of details about the context first. For example, in an African American literature class, we were discussing the contemporary use of the n-word. I am neither White nor Black. I didn't feel comfortable weighing in at that time, but I don't think it

Of course, if they were louder, that dude would call them "b-words" for having "unnecessarily loud voices." It's a total lack of empathy accompanied by zero self-awareness. I'd almost take the self-awareness over the empathy at this point, because even someone lacking in empathy should be able to understand that it is

Probably so. My wife is in an MFA program herself, and she gets whiny dudes like this all the time. It's kind of funny to watch as an outsider because these guys JUST DON'T GET IT. I really think it's a complete and total lack of empathy for half of the world's population.

"WAAAAHHH! How dare they not let me hit on them!!! WHY MUST THEY BE ALLOWED TO FINISH THEIR SENTENCES?!"

Maybe then you could ask why and then talk about how beauty and attraction is primarily based on social norms and is dynamic.

"Unless you're fat or attracted to a fat person or persons (and not in a Drake trying to be cute way), just shut your mouth about BBWs."

I find the growing trend of responding to overambitious male feminism and similar conversational phenomena with "just stay silent if you don't identify X way" to be VERY

Nope. It's embarrassing to watch, and I'd bet dollars to donuts that those who think people are being too hard on him are a bit on the younger side, and thus perhaps a bit more immature. This is your job, your livelihood and you cannot act that way at any job, period. Just because he's on twitter and it's a video

If you're not seeing the difference between shouting "Kill Him" in a boxing match/sporting event and writing that you're going to kill somebody on twitter, then it's already too late for you.

dude, there's a difference. Trying to equate this like you did shows that you're either disingenuous, or deliberately trying to wave away such an act by crying 'PC Brigade'

PA simply wasn't finished and they show no signs of doing as they intended. The devs just sort of flopped it out there and didn't deliver on promises. And from the perspective of the bleachers it looks as if the dev wasn't raking in as much dough anymore with PA and simply wanted to drop it as "released", barely

One. Don't burn your previous Kickstarter customers. Most people are pretty damned pissed about Planetary Annihilation and how it has not been developed into the game that was originally pitched. It is like 70% there. Get the other 30% before moving on.

I can't help but part of it is the feeling that they've already used Kickstarter to make their first game and it can seem (especially from the outside) to ask for it to be backed, rather than using funds from Planetary Annihilation. It probably also didn't help that PA had a lot of negative press over it's early

I think the point was not that she found it degrading, but because she has already discussed it a lot and found the line of questioning tiresome. That was my read from the full piece, anyway.

Gamergate has had fair articles. It's just that when you look at it fairly, they still come out looking like awful people.