
When both sides are "wrong" though? Neutrality is often the more rational option.

A lot of dudes play games with female protags, and when the option is available, as female avatars.

Maybe the reason why it's 80% male is due to the fact that these action games have been almost exclusively pandering to males for decades. Maybe if Ubisoft wants a broader demographic of players, they could at least try to acknowledge people outside of their core demographic.

tbh FUCK ubisoft!

I got mine—-stole it out of the storeroom in a giant dinosaur. The night guard was upstairs...too busy muttering about his dead wife to hear the thief down below, I guess.

I wish it was real. For $900, I should be able to kill myself with it after it sets in that I spent $900 on a Blade Runner gun.

Now playing

Here's 26 satisfying minutes of Adam Savage talking about Blade Runner pistols

EA is like an abusive relationship.

Playable Miss Pauling. Make it happen, Valve!


Please, not this again. This graphical discussion has been talked on school yards when I was 11 year old. At this point I and hopefully you are old enough to let everybody enjoy whatever they want in gaming. Including huge graphical improvement that PC can give you.

The fact that they INTENTIONALLY make the PC version look equivalent to the inferior, crippled console versions is disgusting beyond words.

Dota 2 looks and plays exactly like it did as a Warcraft 3 mod, which is terrible - Literally, whoever decided to bring it to the real world decided to take it piece by piece and not even think about the fact that it is no longer a very limited mod and how many of its pieces can be improved.

DOTA 2 looks different, 'better' is relative. I find it looks more gritty, plays too mechanical, and I'm not fond of the interface. I'm not looking to start a fanboi war. But also to note, no, they don't use a WC3 engine, and they haven't used WC3 'anything' for a long time. This is a home brewed engine.

The difference being that real women aren't created by men as an idealized sexual object in order to sell a product.

Because men are totally capable of ripping a dinosaur in half with their bare hands.


Okay so he is not totally white. Nice Ubi.. Dodge a real bullet there. In the trailer he has clearly black hair. I don't see any blonde in it whatsoever when he and the villain are taking a selfie. I could be shooting blanks, since all I have seen of the new farcry is the trailer just recently.

"GTA is a PlayStation franchise. It started with us."

Not as much as the NRA or their clients, the firearms industry.