What about those of us who aren't afraid of clowns, we just think they're stupid?
What about those of us who aren't afraid of clowns, we just think they're stupid?
Call of duty keep doing campaing mode soooo..
Unlockable characters include, George Burns, Morgan Freeman, Jim Carrey and Steve Carell. Oh and Alanis Morissette too.
So even worse, he needs to draw, While driving. Drawing while driving is just fricken ridiculously.
I'm more impressed with the thought that he would have been driving while he would have been doing it. You thought texting while driving is hard.
Reminds me of the scare about a child sex offender driving behind a car that had a kid in it in order to send him messages via DS Pictochat.
You fell down, went boom on camera.
I do not find Mia Farrow's graphic illustration of the destruction of their family due to Woody Allen cheating on her with her teenage daughter to be as shocking as the actual destruction of their family due to Woody Allen cheating on her with her teenage daughter.
Can we all agree... Best use of Aerosmith ever?
I'm going to start using "I read it on reddit" as a justification for any "facts" that I wish to use in conversations or internet debates in the future.
Isn't dihydrogen monoxide that very toxic substance? Everyone who consumes it ends up dying!
Its one of the most deadly substances in existance~
That's right. Do you know how much "dihydrogen monoxide" is used in most fast food items? If only people knew...
People are defending the examples where they think it's handled well. Those saying 'It will only get worse' are using a slippery slope approach to justify their argument, and typically use strawmen to argue why it's bad. I mean, if I took Superman 64 as an example of why non F2P games were horrible, I'd be called…
100% toxic would imply that it's nothing but harmful and can never, ever be done well. Frankly, I've seen quite a few games that handle F2P well, LoL being one of the big ones. Hearthstone also does F2P well, several MMOs like TOR utilize it well, as does Team Fortress 2.
Respectfully, if you guys have something specifically against Vogue then it would be great if you would just write up a big retrospective piece. The more you make this about Lena Dunham and effectively force her to respond to this—which no matter how you slice it is a direct discussion about her body that invites a…
He is pretty wrong, for instance if you want to strip both games to mechanics, LOL isn't terribly removed from OG DOTA, meaning it has already persisted for quite some time, it isn't going anywhere. When was the first CCG? RPG? Are we not still using the very first RPG elements in our RPG games?