Erykah Badu is one example and that's fine. That was the direction she and her people took. There is a much larger precedent in art history of reference without direct citation.
Erykah Badu is one example and that's fine. That was the direction she and her people took. There is a much larger precedent in art history of reference without direct citation.
Yeah Origin and the whole battlelog, web browser thing are both pretty dumb, but oh well. If gameplay is good I guess it doesn't make much difference (though I really wish I could just buy and launch it from Steam). I actually really like how they have changed infantry combat. As much as I have loved BF, I felt…
You prove my point. How many people were buying the console version of TF2 after release? Now compare that with the PC version... Valve made and continues to make hordes of money on TF2, years after PC release with continued support whereas the unsupported console versions flopped.
Honestly, the most vicious criticism I have heard of BF3 has come from friends who are long-time BF players. I think that the issue of the cause of the criticism is a combination of many things including the hype, major interface changes with the launcher, and the problems of beta as somewhere between demo and test…
"Patching of this game and updating, if it's Battlelog or the core game, that's a big, long-term engagement. We really want to stay in the game post-launch. From an economic standpoint, that's not the cleverest thing to do, but that's not why we make games."
At the end of the first year of my MA, I used Five Hour Energy to help stay alert over a near-sleepless three day writing fest.
Clarity of reference exists in the viewer; it is not inherent to the work. For instance, if I write an essay and you are hypothetically oblivious to scholarly citation, then my very clear citation of the source could mean nothing to you. So, because of a difference in our knowledge and language, a clear reference to…
The entire thing was a reference and, perhaps for Beyonce and the other people who put together the video, that reference was distinct enough to be knowable as a reference.
Do YOU know what Dadaism is because it was many things, but it was not a "fuck you' to the pretentious world of art." It was a move done within the art world, not divorced from it, and its purpose was to morally redirect art. It employed parody, but it's attack was not on previous art, but rather on the logicality…
Wait, so you are saying that an artist in one field viewed another artist in a different field's work and thought that it was beautiful/important enough to pay homage to it by incorporating it into her own work? Disgusting. How dare art be historical or contextual, because that's certainly not a major part of what…
It's definitely Richard Ayoade/Maurice Moss. He even has the chin dimple.
But... but I am an unbearded brother as well. What of beardless brotherhood? What of the unjust ways of the gods?
I really enjoyed the first game. It wasn't revolutionary or anything, but it was good solid fun. My hope is that they get a little more story heavy with this one. You could do so much with the absorbing memories thing if you refuse to let it be morally clean. It really changes the nature of video game…
PC only gamer (by economics more than choice) <—
Why have you forsaken us beard gods!? So be it. We shall erect a dark idol of splotchy, ugly, incomplete facial hair and its gathered beardless followers will pillage the land and raze your temples to the ground.
Nope. That was a pun in its natural habitat.
It's the really classy way to slip out when your bowels are upset.