
Go to youtube and look up "gunging" for a while. You will never be surprised by another fetish again.

Don't try this with homeless people. Please. Please don't get stabbed.

TF3 could never make it onto a Nintendo system since it wouldn't meet their rigorous criteria of A) being really sucky or B) being developed by Nintendo. :P

I'm down with reasonably thick thighs but the smooth feminine look is a must. Hyper-muscular body builder bodies look gross (on men and women).

True. That and something to allow quick about facing (although that combined with the snap-to aim might imbalance things toward the console). My biggest problem using controllers is having something behind me and taking forever to turn around (there are other things, but I feel like that one stands out among them).

Cross platform is a cool idea, but if it ever seriously happens, I hope that keyboard+mouse become standard add ons for consoles. Otherwise, sluggish controller users are really going to gum up online FPS.

The best part of this is the pre-boss checkpoints. I actually think the zombies were tuned pretty well but damn near every boss-fight was flat out horrible as far as difficulty goes. I like that the bosses were hard but I also don't particularly enjoy my games making me angry enough to want to quit. If there should

Why thank you. I was hungry for something sweet.

Okay, so I agree with the jist of the article, that it's not video game's fault for violence and it is ridiculous when such claims are made. However, I really dislike the approach we have been taking to these types of events. It reminds me of the NRA's approach (p.s. that's not a good thing).

Isn't that the actual plot?

Curse you Cyriaque. I was going to write something extremely clever and entertaining to the point that people would just start being nice to each other for having seen my clever comment, but now I'm miffed because I know that some type of time travel happens in Lost.

Am I reading correctly that you cannot combine members from the separate series? That's sort of limiting.

He's a little doughy. He's got that 1.5 chins thing going on.

"You're getting another chance, PC folks. "

Honesty is very relevant, it's just not honesty in terms of the facts story. Rather it is about the honesty (or purposeful dishonesty) of the depiction of life you are presenting. And the author has less say in the matter of final interpretation than one might think. Interpretation always ends with the reader.

Just from the looks, I don't find them believable as leg braces. They're in the wrong spot and there isn't much of anything holding them on. The only way they would seem to give enough support to cushion a fall in their current position would be if they were anchored to the bone.

It is way better though. Having eyelids is always a nice touch.

For those asking, the suit IS actually sculpted to his penis as well. That's the reason for the lessened lighting down there. Beyond the actual reveal though they will mostly just use it to give a sense of how cold space can get and for a couple tastefully done erection sequences.

This is making me giggle uncontrollably. Touche.

Even if you are only mirroring their sentiment that it is somehow my fault for other people pirating the game, you are the one who said it.