@evilfrog1: "then again how can a girl actually rape a man?? doesnt he have to be erect for that to happen?"
@evilfrog1: "then again how can a girl actually rape a man?? doesnt he have to be erect for that to happen?"
@SCN55: "How does this work in something like film? I know that children aren't allowed to go to R rated movies without an adult right? Surely this is no different"
@SCN55: "it seems like a set of rules for governing a society, written just under 200 years ago, which by this point, would surely be "out of date" in terms of social norms etc,"
@Obrighm: "This law, like i said before, will only serve to assist parents in making sure that these contents stay out of their children's hands without their consent. "
@Obrighm: It's your feelings I've been worried about boo. :3
@Slagathorian: Stand tall and shake the heavens...: "Why do I know this?
@Obrighm: "But I can explain the rationality of it, which I did plainly."
@Obrighm: You can continue to convince yourself that I'm uneducated if it makes you feel better about your argument.
@Obrighm: I'm the prick king and you're a socialist. Guess which is worse?
@Slagathorian: Stand tall and shake the heavens...: "Your entire argument is predicated on the belief that criminilizing something doesn't make people stop doing it."
@Obrighm: "You know retailers don't always refuse minors games, right?"
@Slagathorian: Stand tall and shake the heavens...: I know in Canadaland porn, alcohol, cigarettes, driving, are all compared to videogames because you don't believe in freedom of expression.
@Slagathorian: Stand tall and shake the heavens...: Retailers are required to do it, a lot of the major chains are members of the ESRB and of course stores don't want to lose money or get bad PR.
@Obrighm: "How can I provide a statistic for something that hasn't happened yet, you jiblet head. "
@Slagathorian: Stand tall and shake the heavens...: " You need to look at Canada"
@Slagathorian: Stand tall and shake the heavens...: " Those fines will be paid for by the state, and could bring in a modest sum in the first couple years" States aren't meant to try to make fines and laws to turn a "profit". They are meant for punishment.
@Obrighm: On the contrary, it is probably you who should back up the claim that this law will somehow cause less children to get M-rated games, despite that parents or older family members are often the way such minors get access to such games and bother you on Xbox Live.
@Slagathorian: Stand tall and shake the heavens...: That isn't my point.
@Obrighm: " If the consequences right now were working 'just fine', then why would they spend all this money trying to increase the severity of those consequences."