Mike Sweet

Good luck in Dead Money. The Cloud constantly saps your health.

is she playing that tiny violin again?

Unfortunately with websites like Kotaku promoting the shit she does, she'll be with us for quite some time and gaming will be fundamentally altered because of it (bye bye DoA and SC girls)...

Oh for fuck's sake, is she still around?

I have to agree. I think Patricia is a bit hypocritical. Didn't she write a piece before about hacked Pokemon and how it could be a negative for the community? Here she is writing a piece basically saying "here's how to create hacked Pokemon."

Good job. Way to flood the game with hacked Pokemon. You could have easily reported on this without giving everyone a tutorial. Now there's going to be even more illegitimate Pokemon in circulation.

Please post a video of you performing this so we can see how easy it is. Thank you.

Do you like movies? Do you like video games? If you answered "yes" to either of those questions, you should probably skip The Order: 1886.

Is this masked man some kind of international thief? Note that we don't see him take off his mask during the trailer.

I might be a little sore about this whole PENDING APPROVAL thing.

It's important to keep in mind that Dying Light is supposed to be punishing and difficult to understand—especially at first. Its steep difficulty curve is a big part of what makes it so scary. This fear, in turn, is what motivates you to think and act creatively in order to figure out more efficient and effective ways

In the RetroFuture year of 2077 we will have a nuclear apocalypse cause war, war never changes.

So like most selfies then? Just plain unattractive :P

Oh, and remember to turn the video up to 1080p at 60 FPS. It looks better that way.

But clearly, the game resonated with me on some deeper level. It triggered that gamerly compulsion to lose myself in a world, to cannon ball into the deep end and sponge up every last bit of its mythology. To hand my friends and family five bucks and tell them to go see a movie for the next couple months, because I

that's connecticut

Free players will have access to the full game, sans downloadable content. They'll progress a bit slower than paying players, but the experience overall will be the same.

Old, but still so good. Playing the Portable version, after loving P4G. These games are timeless.