I’m not saying EV isn’t efficient in stop and go. I’m saying the act of acclerating from a stop is where the majority of your power is lost. Coasting at 18mph for hours on end is not an accurate reflection of a real world situation.
I’m not saying EV isn’t efficient in stop and go. I’m saying the act of acclerating from a stop is where the majority of your power is lost. Coasting at 18mph for hours on end is not an accurate reflection of a real world situation.
Great mileage but my pea-sized brain is telling me the test isn’t as “real world” as they want us to believe. Sure, 18mph may be the average and that’s what they stuck to but the reason stop-go traffic is inefficient is because you’re....stopping and going. That means sometimes you’re doing 0 and sometimes you’re…
He never was too bright, that one.
Maybe there’s an antique vehicle exclusion?
It’s all to do with how the rules are worded. What matters is “whose” corner it is and that’s defined simply by the racer who reaches the apex of the corner first. That’s all fine and dandy unless you intentionally goes so late on the brakes that there is no way you’re making the corner on optimal line. If you get…
It’s not just divebombs for passing that he’s prone to doing. It’s defending from the inside, taking a tight entry and then opening the steering wheel on exit leaving his competitor no room. This is why he has so many “crash or yield” scenarios when he isn’t the fastest on track and able to walk away from the field.…
When will people learn...you decide what car you want and what price you’re willing to pay before you even shop. When you find the car but it’s above your price, you call the dealer and you tell them what you are willing to pay OUT THE DOOR. They can either agree to the price or not. If not, you shop on. Either…
Nothing artificial about you, broseph. You’re the real deal.
Unacceptable levels of always-been-there river bottom stickiness are correspondingly related to unacceptable levels of floaty water parts.
Rougher than napkin math but my rule of thumb has always been, for every 10 degrees down, you lose 1psi. So if your garage is 60 and it’s 20 outside, you’ll lose 4psi. Not a huge deal if your tires are at 30. If you’re at 20, though, that’s a 20% drop. Especially if you drive a BMW.
The civil lawsuits (and subsequent settlements) that are going to be lobbed will be massive.
Yep, you can count me as one of the injured by one of these. I was not in proper gear but, to my defense, I was a kid and didn’t grow up riding ATVs (I was a dune buggy kid). We were riding through waist high grass at a fairly decent clip, there was a fallen log that I didn’t see and after I hit it, both of my feet…
Champagne would fall from the heavens. Doors would open. Velvet ropes would part.
Slappa dat bass MON!
I thought I was about to open an article about a road that was perpetually warm up north and, therefore, less likely to freeze over. Then I saw Florida and the thought of a novel idea went right out the window.
Next week’s article: “Hertz accuses renters of ‘theft’ after they accept super low-ball offers”
Mickey’s “Pizza n’ Caravans” idea is dead before it ever really took off
I fully anticipated Yuki to get the job but I fear it came down to sponsor politics. If Honda were going to be the engine supplier for RB moving forward, I think Yuki would have been promoted but, because Honda and Red Bull are splitting ways after 2025, he was snubbed.