“Pretty good,” said Brian O’Conner as he sat eating his tuna on white, no crust.
“Pretty good,” said Brian O’Conner as he sat eating his tuna on white, no crust.
Just because the majority of Republicans were too weak to carry out their duties based on morality and common sense, choosing instead to cater to their sycophantic political tendencies, that does not mean I have to agree with them.
My disdain for our present Supreme Court justices stems from the decision to grant blanket presidential immunity for “official acts”. Then, instead of defining what was official vs. non-official, they granted *themselves* the power of deciding what was or wasn’t official. While the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade…
Overnight parts only, Torretto.
The title gives me a headache and the car’s aesthetics make me unreasonably angry. I don’t like anything about any of this.
Oh sure, the Supreme Court. He definitely won’t get a biased decision there.
It’s OK...just a little Putin.
HOAs suck but that doesn’t mean that, when properly managed that they don’t have a purpose that serves the overall betterment of the community. We hear about horror stories like these all the time because they travel the internet like wildfire. For every horror story, you can probably have a handful of decent,…
Hurt me again, Cadillac. Hurt me so good.
Does anyone know where Sergio or his dad were at the time preceding Tsunoda’s detainment?
Elon, despite being rich and running what is arguably the most spotlighted EV brand to date, has remained relatively an unknown to the majority of Americans. Sure they may know the name, but they don’t know about him. America is about to get a masterclass in the Dunning-Kerr effect as Donald Trump parades this moron…
I chose to not B-Limp and instead choose to “Stay Hydrogen-ated”
As someone who just used up 87% of all the college words he knows, I’ll see what I can find for ya ;)
“While residents on the International Space Station exercise constantly to stave off muscle and bone loss, there’s no workout to help your cells.”
Why don’t we skip the foreplay, fast forward 250 years and just shoot the first one in the head. I bet everyone else will sit the f*ck down and wait their turn!