Deadspin Fanatic

Whitlock is usually a sheep in elephant’s clothing, sure. But the question he posed is a good one. What are the exact issues Kap is protesting? We all know the blanket answer. Police brutality against blacks. Targeting blacks. But what specific changes does the QB feel will come from this galvanized movement? An

Hey Tim, Deadspin fanatic here. This is close, close to what I hoped to see after traveling to deadspin dot com today. How about that “Bryce Harper unloads in Philly bathroom” or “Bryce Harper drops a deuce in Philly bathroom,” or maybe even “Douche Harper drops deuce in Philly bathroom” or “Holy shit: Harper drops

Tim, this is great and all but I came to deadspin today to see a “Bryce Harper drops one in Phillies bathroom.” Or perhaps, Bryce Harper shits in Philly bathroom. Or, Bryce Harper pinches a bomb into Philly bathroom. Can you make this happen, Tim?

Burke, you’re a damn genius. I hope at least half these commenters are typing with sarcasm and not fury.

Wait you do understand writing this kind of article and writing the #insertcorporation hashtag is simply providing more free advertising for soulless corporations determined to take money from mindless Americans and watch them die an untimely death after consuming products packed full of fleeting, synthetic happiness.

This article should be labeled an ad. This cheesy cardboard pizza chain is surely a deadsponsor. Seriously, why. Why did you write such hot-n-ready garbage. Why did I break my thumb clicking the link. Thanks a lot assholes. I’m getting lousy pizza tomorrow night.

I’ll pay $100 to the sports blog site that stops using Trump to drive traffic. Why does it matter what Brady thinks about Trump, Muslims - or, anything? Also, I must not own the edition of the AP Stylebook with the section about offering to pay reporters for asking clickbait questions. Please, keep Deadspin awesome