
Thank you, Chris. I had forgotten how much I love this video.

One of the announcers said something like, “It almost came down to who was the best waxer, not who was the best boarder”, which seems like a pretty sour grapes-y, non-Olympic spirit kind of lame-o thing to say.

“Running out of gas” really seems like it shouldn’t be an issue for an Olympic favorite in a two-minute event powered by gravity.


he made his way across the country in a “big rig” before being dropped off by a “McDonald’s near a tall building” Monday night.

That’s a huge hill.

Easy Malkin goal?  There aren’t many people in the world who can finish that play so quickly and smoothly as a lefty shot.  Sweet pass, but the finish is impeccable too.

Seems like any one of these chucklenuts could have asked their wives, or the dispatcher, or the meter maid, or Gods forbid, whatever female officer they keep around to do cavity searches...

I’m just guessing no woman is in a position of power there, now or then.

The few times in my life I’m confronted with a question

If it’s any consolation, Colt McCoy will unseat him in training camp.

No he will be fine. He will read from the prompter gesticulating with his tiny hands and clasping water with the little doll like appendages like a wistful mother in an oversized sweater in coffee commercial. Tomorrow he will tweet some garbage that may be racist but probably just stupid and all the white people that

Better yet: don’t watch it. How pissed would he be if the ratings for SOTU were down? And then Sarah Hucksterbee Sanders would have to go out and say “Actually, ratings were higher than they’ve ever been” and then we can talk about that for a month instead of anything of actual consequence.

tax relief provided 50% more n

In the time it took you to crank out this unnecessary tirade, I used the very same interwebs device I’m writing this with to find the score. 115-113, Pelicans. Maybe your interwebs device works the same way for you, and you could, ya know, go to a sports news site and find it for yourself instead of relying on a blog

Who gives a fuck?

Is this in English?

“Bad shot? I can sympathize, bro.”

Running slightly backwards at full speed reaching back. I an excuse the awkward jump/lack of verticle. That missed tackle fucking way.

To be fair, Seguin’s been making the Bruins look stupid for a few years now.