
I didn't finish Human Centipede 2. I watched the first HC without a problem. I actually think that first HC is actually a good - not the greatest - film, and it pushes all the right buttons to cause disgust and horror. But for the life of me I could not watch HC 2. I really don't remember much of what I saw, but

You guys need to give proper credit to and not Deadline.

I was actually looking forward to getting off work early today and seeing MMFR for a third time.

[Mad Max Fury Road]: WITNESS MEEE!!!

It wouldn't be a bottle episode, it would be a whole season.

I can honestly say that I have never seen an episode of Colbert.

From the article: "I mean, we see the homeless woman again, because—I dunno."

OK, I get you. It wasn't the main problem. But it still could have been shot in El Paso. Whatever crime was happening in Juarez, did not spill over or effect El Paso in any way.

The main problem with the show that takes place in El Paso/Juarez is that none of it is filmed in El Paso/Juarez. Much like how Breaking Bad made Albuquerque a part of that show, the backdrop of the cities would have given The Bridge a much better sense of authenticity.


I'm not in the service or military expert, but I would think if the message came through and passed the encryption process then the message is to be accepted as authentic. No questions asked. That's the whole point of rank and protocol. There shouldn't be second guesses. These guys are in a sub, for all they know,

I loved doing speed runs in Splinter Cell: Chaos theory (the best Splinter Cell). I'd always try to shave seconds off on the stages by finishing no kill, no alert runs. This was before youtube so it was fun finding little shortcuts for yourself rather than seeing them online. I tried doing speed runs for Hitman but