
I traded a refrigerator compressor for my first car, a 1963 Corvair. He got cold beer, I got hot trash.

TBH, there were already a lot of ways to compare Ty Cobb to the tweets of a lot of these people.

Honestly, as a Patriots fan, I’m kind of looking forward to it too. There’s an annoying, gross element of this fanbase that I increasingly can’t stand, and the only chance for it to ever be purged is a sustained period of mediocrity. I’ve already enjoyed more Super Bowl victories that fans of most other teams will

The fact that the Rockets got fucked by two James Harden offensive fouls on a routine in-bounds due to Marcus Smart flopping his ass off makes the entire thing so, so much better than it already is. You can almost get drunk off the schadenfreude.

“Landing checklist”

Nice to see Dennis Nedry escaped Jurassic Park after all.

Seriously? What is this, 1997? Does it play a MIDI file of “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town” too?

Ottawa moving to Quebec City would be the highlight of my life:

That’s silly. Who’s going to watch hockey in Oklahoma City in 20 years?

Aside: I recently convinced an obviously gullible co-worker from Iowa that I was from “Rapids Falls” in the same state. At first she didn’t believe me, but then I wore a very generic shirt I had the internet make for me that said “Rapids Falls, Iowa 2018 XL” and she believed it.

Wait, there are women who AREN’T hookers??

Spare me. Wisconsin doesn’t have some monopoly on quality beer. Today almost every state has a good selection of craft beers available.

Seattle is going to be absolutely covered in these torpid contraptions. Tailgates will be billboards for dog rescue volunteering, Jill Stein 2020 and Voodoo Doughnut stickers. I’m a liberal Democrat and these things make me want to vote Republican.


He had a great career and deserves more credit for New England turning things around with the Kraft era. As much as everyone is quick to say fans in the northeast didn’t care about the Pats until Brady / Belichek, for my generation it was the Bledsoe teams from early-mid nineties that made us buy-in completely with

My local school board has student board members, and I routinely see them showing more leadership, and certainly more courage, than our elected officials.

I thought the last 10 months would have been sufficient warning about the dangers of replacing a competent black man with an inexperienced and unqualified white guy, but here we are again.

The Celtics were everywhere.

Maybe you missed the point. Jaylen was in high school a few years ago. He’s had to grow up and be more mature in a shorter amount of time than most people his age (I’m 24) to be where he’s at today.