
Franken has an educational background in the role he was elected (<- this part is important!) to, and is one of 100 Senators, all of whom have equally weighty votes.

There’s that moment in every dead company’s history where a new boss shows up and tells everyone

U jelly?

Why is the lead singer of Creed accepting Bagwell’s award in that photo?

Actually, only one got 23%.

Check this out: Porge Jokesada

No one who has appeared in an episode of “Mad About You” can make it into the Hall of Fame. Little known fact.

Rich people are full of shit

I do digital analytics consulting. I had a marketing director tell me to lie about numbers so it would make “brand awareness look better.” ...

Mayonnaise is too spicy

Somehow that logo is only the second most criminal object in this photo

GTFO with you and your fancy ass “stripes”

I remember my old Director of Marketing talking about how at an event they activated their brand with over 300 people. She meant they hadn’t out candy with our logo on it to 300 people. God I hated her.

“to help launch our brand into the market...”

I haven’t gone through it, but I’d guess they have Joel Embiid on the 76ers, born in 1994.

You should put a cat in there.

Gabe should run for President. Seems right up his alley considering the terms stop at 2.

Kids these days are so soft. Back in my day, you weren’t done in Oregon until you died of dysentery.

i’ve never gotten a ticket, but i worry about it multiple times a day. there does seem to be some leeway, but if you live somewhere with 70 different municipalities you never know what that leeway is.