
I remember seeing/hearing her singing in those fake BTTF hoverboard videos a while back, just singing "We all love hoverboards" or something like that over and over again. I thought it might actually be a song she was working on.

If you can't tell the difference between knowed and worser then you are totally the worserest guy i've knowed!

Then he got all the credit!

Wow, I was just making a dumb AV Club joke, man. I mean I like True Detective a lot. I wasn't trying to say I was smarter than anybody or anything. Must have hit some kind of nerve…

This show is great. The best show since Breaking Bad! And it's on HBO so it's also like The Wire! The internet makes this show more enjoyable! I hope they reference this show's awesomeness on Community next season, or maybe in the movie! Also, If this show was a band it would totally be Jawbreaker!

I made it several episodes in early in the weekend. Now trying to watch more House Of Cards- after watching last night's True Detective. This shit just ain't doin' it for me.

I think the problems with this show can be summed up in one White House Meeting scene. Instead of taking of notes or writing anything meaningful or useful to the conversation, Frank is busy drawing a bull.

Yea, that was the movie that made me look up his name and start watching anything else he was in.

I thought one his most compelling, if small roles was in Magnolia. This sucks, he was a real favorite.

Waxahatchee yes, everything else no.

Someone complaining about someone complaining about hipsters on the av club just made the internet melt…

Man of Steel: Batman It Was Really Nothing

She fucked Ted literally.  Ted fucker her over, well he fucked over Walt really.  He fucked Skylar and fucked over Walt?

You mean calling something "straight-up sexist bullshit" isn't a radical and new idea?

Perhaps they have more emotional investment in "Golden Age" TV than in their own actual lives?

I just hope they grade you A++.  You're a winner.  Never let them keep you down, champion.

And of coarse HOW grey it is this week.  Breaking Bad: Fun with colors!

the jesse-hank conversation:  Why are you so weak this season, bitch?

At the pace this is moving, that would be so frustrating.

He's a little out of practice.  He's been trying to be Mr. Chips lately.  He's gotta ease back into the whole Scareface thing…