yeah she’s full of shit....There is no universe where she got covid-19 and got over it in a couple of days....There are people that don’t need a breathing tube who are sick for weeks if not close to 2 months and still feel effects after...
yeah she’s full of shit....There is no universe where she got covid-19 and got over it in a couple of days....There are people that don’t need a breathing tube who are sick for weeks if not close to 2 months and still feel effects after...
You mean idiot millennials that think they have a “job” cause they sit on their ass all day streaming videa gaemz and think its hard work.....
You mean like when we have to take good games like Doom and a great game like Doom 2016 and turn it into lifeless generic space marine platforming garbage where demons have become inter-dimensional beings and then fill it with streamer garbage gimmicks all because games now need to pander to brain dead millennial…
No they have literally ALWAYS wanted to fuck over anyone who isn’t them...They have always been for other rich people and corporations...They just don’t hide it much anymore....Its that their literal poor followers have the IQ of a bag full of broken dildos and hobo diarrhea...They don’t actually see that A…
How shocking that SMART platform developers, would have software development teams to make games for their platform....Jesus people sound stupid when they try to talk about how anti consumer exclusives are....As if its Sony or Nintendo’s problem that their own teams make games for their own platforms....
WTF are you on about...Unlike Microsoft, Sony has never pretended that a timed exclusive is completely exclusive....It was literally Sony who started saying play if first on PS..
WTF are you even talking about...Horizon is THREE YEARS OLD....And you can bet that its being released on PC to sell PS5s to people who want to play the sequel.....Death Stranding isn’t their game and LMFAO Dreams....Yeah Sorry not only is exclusivity not going anywhere its clear that Nintendo and Sony are the only…
No the first 2 years used to be important....But clearly not to Microsoft, they’re clearly more concerned with gamepass....Nothing about the Series X sounds even remotely good....They want people to potentially spend between $500-$600 on their new console, meanwhile their games are all being developed for Xbox One...I…
you seem to be forgetting that none of the Ca parks have been allowed to open up, because Ca has a competent governor who isn’t putting Fuhrer Trump above the safety of residents....
You fucktards should probably actually learn real facts about the first amendment....There is no universe where its stripping anyone of their free speech rights, the first amendment ONLY applies if the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and ONLY the federal government threatens to jail/punish you for speaking...Your job CAN fire you,…
good luck with that because it has no mini map or normal objective markers....Rather than holding your hand you actually have to follow the wind
OR its not souls like and was never meant to be souls like and just because games have a sword in them doesn’t mean its trying to be at all Souls or Nioh like
I have no clue why you would think this was going to be Soulsborne or Nioh like...Seems there are going to be ALOT of disappointed little weeboos who were sure this was going to be some like historically accurate souls like game...
OR...Get this I know its a tough concept....Its not a samurai simulator, it was never meant to be a samurai simulator, or some historically accurate representation.....But was however meant to be a video game.....Have a feeling there is going to be alot of disappointed imbecile weeboos who were sure this was meant to…
Repubicans have passed a few bills making “English” the official language of the US.....There have been Republican ran states that have done it also, but considering that cannot dictate that everyone in the US must speak English. its nothing but virtue signaling to their imbecile base.
OR they could just talk about GAMES at their games prerecorded conference.....Because you woke people are NOT even a third of the population....Intelligent people don’t need to be beaten over the head with god damned garbage trash woke BS constantly...They don’t need to pander to twatter, nobody cares about twatter or…
NO..They’re showing that its to talk about GAMES....Not pandering to whatever woke cancel culture garbage trash imbecile autistic millennials want them to....Jesus Christ the imbecile woke millennials are just as bad as the Republican imbeciles that had to dig up 10 year old tweets to get James Gunn fired because…
People went to Gwar concerts? Gross, why the hell would anyone pay real money to go hear terrible music...
People stuck in the 90s and millennials that think this super cringe shit is somehow endearing
Devo hates him...Well Mark Motherbaugh does anyway, which he says is because Weird Al seemed to do Dare to be Stupid without much effort and they had to work to get that “Devo” sound....The band was also having problems at the time, so I suppose it would be aggravating when your having a problem to see someone do your…