
Its almost like imbeciles who are clearly dumb as a bag of dildos constantly have to cry about things being censored. When in reality people with brains can actually grasp that you don’t just get to be trash on twitch and its OK...But then again that would require knowing that the 1st amendment and free speech is only

you could find everything you needed on that whiteboard. all you needed to do was pay attention to the actual note that told you how to get the combination and then look at the whiteboard.

Like they were going to spend money to make new game boxes...They could care less about people who expect new boxes or boxes in general, since physical is going the way of the dodo

The PS3 era never had blue or black boxes they were all clear and the Greatest hits were red...IF you had blue and black boxes then you were buying used games with replacement boxes

Yes, they said it was only going to be PS5..There isn’t going to be a PS4 version

OMG not shooting digital fake NOT REAL animals...OMG will someone please think of the children...

I think idiotic millennials can’t handle that not everything has to be for them...That not everything is free and that the majority could care less about pandering to their lazy worthless self....Just because mommy told you that you were a special unique snowflake doesn’t make it true, she has to tell you that because

LMFAO Disney Star Wars is trash...The only decent thing to come out of it was Rogue One.

Except Abrams DID write an outline for the entire trilogy...It was Rian Johnson and Kathleen Kennedy that decided to ignore that complete blueprint they were given for Ep.8 and Ep.9

only a moron would pay $120 just for 1 game....None of the other 9 announced so far are anything close to amazing or must haves...

Well hopefully its more like the first game and less like the pretty terrible 2nd

and its literally been out on everything else for about a year now...And probably sold like crap because Atlus ingeniously decided that they should sell it for a full $60 bucks

OR how about white people stop trying to steal Karen to fit whatever use they think it should have....People keep constantly trying to steal Karen so that they can shoehorn it into some other peg....Karen is literally the white women who call the cops on black people being black...She’s not throwing a fit at the store

Sure thing as your mask with the valve on it is LITERALLY infecting everyone around you with your shit.....Your wearing a mask to protect the people around you, your not really wearing the mask to protect yourself.

clearly the type of people who shouldn’t have been holding firearms period...Just in the video everyone has shown there are atleast 4 different instances where either she would have killed him or he would have killed her with their piss poor trigger discipline and need to wave them around like toys...There was one

No because thats not the problem..Its not stuff getting inside of it....The stick is literally wearing down the pad inside the controller. I don’t know where people keep getting this idea that it has anything to do with dirt or dust getting inside.

Its not dirt and dust getting into the controller...I don’t know why people keep saying it is....Its the stick itself wearing down the pad inside the controller, thats why it creeps back in after cleaning with a swab, because its not doing anything

Nah..That literally does NOT do anything for the fan and I have no clue why people keep claiming that it does. The fan does NOT function based on the heat, its based on how hard the GPU/CPU is working, you could put that thing in a freezer and IF your playing something that is pushing the CPU/GPU it would be just as

because nobody cares about Xbox....Same reason PodRacer Revenge on PS2 got a PS4 port and nothing else....

NO. The hell’s angels haven’t been a thing for decades, which makes it hilarious every time Trump talks about bikers. Because the “bikers” he’s talking about don’t exist anymore and have been taken over by these fucking square motorcycle enthusiasts who have too much money, are in a midlife crisis and generally look