Deadpool - Do I still think in those little yellow boxes?

Oorah. To everything.

It will always be too fucking soon for "9/11 jokes". The fuck is wrong with you man?

Because another nomination can't hurt.

Personally, mounted on a vehicle, you have the means to transport the heavier weapons systems and I've had no issues with reliability on the 240 so I think it's what I'd take. I like both, personal preference is to just have something with a little more punch. Driver can have the 249, lol. Pull a drug deal with

Vanille was definitely irritating, but Hope drove me nuts! By hour 5 his whining was getting old. By hour 30, I wanted to reach through the TV and strangle him...

Can we at least get a 240? 7.62 please and thank you.

Being a Subie fan, part of me wants to argue that the Impreza STi 22B was pretty ultimate. However, my common sense knows that's more out of personal preference than anything else.

Dude, sold. In a heartbeat!

See, I like the 3rd Gen a little bit more. It's a close call though.

Careful, I've heard some crazy things about Mr. Ray Wert. He make take that literally and stick it in the exhaust pipe or some such.

Just watched it (again) yesterday. First thing I thought of after this video, lol.

They will hate. That thing is a beast! Most impressive good sir!

If I could promote you, I would. Instead, you just get a h-click.

Agreed. Much more gooder!

Now playing

Any Planet of the Apes reference always brings this song to mind.

@HitNail Vet's all around! 1/327 101 ABN DIV here, did a couple tours, what about you guys? So, I wasn't paying much attention to where my jalopnik crosspost took me, but I still think your comment is slightly off topic. You're right, people fake it, but that's not what we're here to talk about.

That is beautiful.

101 you say? 1/327 here dude, what were you, HHC somewhere? You're offended by my "thin-skinned reply"? I'm offended that you won't stand by your brothers. See, that's the problem nowadays, our soldiers won't even stand up for one another. Some of us didn't pussy out early because we love the job and our brothers