@bernout: 101st you say? What unit?
@bernout: 101st you say? What unit?
@472CID: Its gonna eat you.
@R2Dad: Thanks. That's why I add the addendum. Alex Lowenstein's story is a sad one. I can't help but wonder if part of the reason some of these things happen is because they lose touch with the guys they served with. For example, I'm at a different unit now, one I've never deployed with. I make it a point to…
I smell pretentiousness. Must be that Hollywood rubbing off on the "author".
@Scott Meyer: Glad I'm not the only one who spotted it.
@maintmgt: You own an XR4Ti. That alone deserves a heart click.
@alexLmx6: The article was an entertaining read, but I disagree on a few points.
The mounties said *yoink*
@ZeroOrDie: Good point. I'll go get the hammers.
@ZeroOrDie: Careful! Your logical thought process may break the automotive industry!
@MikeHTiger: Agreed. Looks like this Trooper's temper got the better of him and he forgot his use of force continuum. I don't seem to remember "Presentation of Deadly Force" being step one.
Hooah SGT Graber.
@JJ Iburg: Second the motion. Motion passes. Ugliest trunk/hatch ever!
@CrispyAardvark: Ya like dags?
@x219c: Makes me giggle like a little school girl every time I see it.
I was really hoping he would hit the camera operator when he came flying back in reverse...
"Oh shit I just got sideways" recovery procedure.