Deadpool - Do I still think in those little yellow boxes?

@bowen13: Heart-click for you from those of us who actually care about our reputation.

@benmlee: So, having spent two and a half years of my life in Iraq, allow me to step in and say that these idiots are way out of line. I don't care who you are, there is no excuse for this type of "practical joke". I am fully aware the Iraqi's have their reality program that is centered around this type of humor,

@OMGItsWeasel: Exactly. I doubt he'd be going home though, more likely to martyr himself and take out the four or five soldiers standing around smoking and joking. I seriously hope this makes its way back to his chain of command. It's extremely stupid and risks the lives of those under SGT Dunson's "leadership".

@Jared904: Haha, there are douches in every community, it's the ratio of normal people to dbag's that matters. Granted, I live in California so our douchebag population is already elevated by default.

That's funny, until the guy decides that he actually does hate Americans, snatches up the LIVE grenade and then we have a situation. Let's face it, these idiots are too busy playing a joke to keep their guard up. That ends with someone getting hurt or killed.

In order of ownership:

@Gimmi Mørgäikkönën: Sideways hat with a flat brim, MMA wannabe style clothing, general air of douche-baggery. I hate to say it, but this has become the stereotypical owner of both the WRX/STI and Lancer Evolution.

So, lazy, untalented, closed minded. I'm surprised she's done as well as she has...

@pulloa: Shoot, and this one too

@pulloa: I vote for your selection, and this one.

@Isetta: The key is sharing the road, which some (not all) cyclists forget to do. The occasional douche riding in the center of the lane preventing traffic from passing is the individual who gives cyclists a bad name...

@zeeboid: "Speed has never killed anyone. Suddenly becoming stationary....that's what gets you."

@marimvibe: I thought black stig was dead. My guess would be British Racing Green or Ferrari Red.

@smokyburnout: 11.5 actually, she's faster than the Falcon! Wait...parsecs is a unit of measurement...damn it Lucas!

@tonyola: Casino Royale with Daniel Craig, big airport chase, yada yada yada.

@TheAntiCat: Yes indeed! Most fail to clue in even though we're in the number two lane and traffic is passing in the number one at 80-85. The reactions are priceless.

@TheAntiCat: Same story, I switch my speedo over to kph sometimes when I know the person riding with me isn't an automotive enthusiast. That way when we're doing 70 on the freeway...