Deadpool - Do I still think in those little yellow boxes?

@snap_understeer_ftw: The man has done nothing to fix our current economic situation. He has successfully made it worse. Our nation has been plunged into levels of debt that we could not have previously imagined; his efforts to nationalize health care have been met with fierce resistance nationwide; TARP bailouts

@86LX5.0: Still his fault, his stupidity is infecting the rest of the world.

This is what's wrong with society. Scumbags...I can't believe they pulled that on him.

@SlowMo: Not a damn thing wrong with that.


In no particular order

@VeeArrrSix: Should amend cigarettes to tobacco products, bam, problem solved!

"Hell, it's about time." (Sorry, the nerd in me is still excited about Starcraft 2)

Dan Neil clearly suffers from a severe case of "needs to be shot in the face repeatedly until dead or the magazine is empty, whichever one comes last" syndrome. I volunteer to assist in finding the cure.

@LS1RX7owen: Yup. And when they find you through the lojack installed on the car, they're gonna keep you in jail...

@TraderCoz: Agreed. There's a clean, black R1 in my area, I think I drool a little bit whenever I see it...

Mazda RX-7. I am not impressed by the possible upcoming model...

There are some absolutely whacked rotary fans out sheer nature we're, I mean, they're all crazy!

Still liked the view I had from here more.

@PaintedTrollop: Nope, I hate having to repair my car because I've been hit by one. Which has happened three times. Two of which my vehicle was parked, the other I was in the number one lane (far left) and a woman changed lanes into my right rear quarter panel. I ended up traveling at 75 mph sideways on the

Stopped to help at an accident yesterday on my way home from work. The two drivers involved were female. One of them ran the light (as did her cousin driving the vehicle following her...) and other driver failed to be situationally aware and pulled out to make a left turn anyways despite the 3500 pounds of steel

Death happens, at least this is one hell of a way to go.

@humjaba: You and your common sense. Stop that!