Deadpool - Do I still think in those little yellow boxes?

@Novaload: But minus points for slushbox...

@Piloter: Exactly. Get back out there and resume hooning. The damage is only cosmetic!

*starts checking mail order bride catalog for #16*

Any new Ferrari, Lamborghini or Porsche. Let's face it, the majority are douchebags of the highest caliber.

@ZXRider: One can only hope...

Stupidity is the cancer, .45 ACP is the answer.....

@Motor_Yakuza: Lasers improve everything. Well, except Alderaan.

Somehow, I don't think this will work on my 15,000 lb M1151 w/ Frag 6 kit. Just sayin'.

If you check Automatic transmission. Please shoot yourself.

@Tenacious_ADG: Oh? Turbo II or NA? Wait, just looked at your pic, NA, lol. My buddy has an '86, in the same color.

What we have here is one ignorant bastard. Come on dude, really? Having actually read the Qur'an over the course of the two years I spent deployed, I have to tell you, it's one of the most accepting religions in the world.

1) Manual Transmission

@Tenacious_ADG: Hey, looks like I'm not the only RX-8 owner here!

Right, pitchforks and torches. Who's with me?

"I think the problem is that it's French. It's a surrendermonkey." -Jeremy Clarkson

Mazda RX-7 Spirit R Type A.

"And third, why do these people always have southern accents?"