Deadpool - Do I still think in those little yellow boxes?

@Smells_Homeless: You caught that too huh? Dude needs to suck it up and stop acting like some metrosexual pansy.

Drop in a Turbo II motor, fix the hideous paint job and viola! Awesomeness abound.

I approve.

@CoyoteBrown: I don't know who you are sir, but l might love you (in a completely platonic way).

@7shades: Yes. To all of the above. Especially the moron statement.

This makes way too much sense. Ergo, we'll never see it in California...

I'm gonna hazard a guess and say illegal immigrants. But that's just a guess.

@homeslice60148: See comments from yesterday's post, we're setting up an operation to re-appropriate these vehicles.....I want one of those M3s!

"Hey ya'll, watch this!"

@elsbells: I do believe we have found our TOC location.

@f0rge: Worth robbing a bank for...

@Schm, enjoying his first desert winter. .: I can acquire anything else we need from the arms room, our armorer is an M3 nut. We just need to secure three trucks and trailers.....

Assembling a snatch and grab team, who's coming with?

It was painful just watching the idiot drive. He missed most of the apexes, not to mention almost ran off the road/lost control several times.

So who's gonna buy me one?