
This article is fucking stupid. Just save time and “They’re all voting for Hillary”

Hamilton, you are a pathetic dipshit. I hope you get hit by an uber drive that’s not paying attention to the road

Oh wow, so Deadpsin had to eat crow. I also hope Hamilton Nolan falls in an open manhole today

If, as a man, having your picture taken with a female means you had sex with them, I’ve apparently gotten laid a whole lot more than I ever realized

How do we get you to stop posting shit from Hamilton Nolan? He fucking blows

How about us New Yorkers will stop talking about Hamilton if another city, far away, will take Hamilton Nolan off of our hands. No deal on the pizza thing though

Hamilton, you are really fucking terrible at trying to copy Drew and Burneko’a style, you’re just a terrible writer and an even worse human being

Can we talk about what a self-important twat and hypocrite Chelsea is now because she was rasied by a rapist and a deranged sociopath?

We can only hope! The alternative is that evil felon twat

Would my constant taunting of Eric Ebron for sucking ass be a positive or negative twitter. It might be negative for him, but for me it’s positive! Especially when he replied to me during a game and people started to tear into him for tweeting during a game

He’s not wrong

And he obviously didn’t, just desperate Killary throwing shit at the wall as her campaign imlplodes around her

Brendan O’Connor, you are a pathetic fucking asshole

Ashely, you’re a cunt

Wiener is way way behind a “bad horny man” he’s a fucking pedophile. You liberal fucks just love protecting f your own savage losers

Oh boy, more politics on Deadspin...fucking cunts

Hamilton, you yourself are an absurd piece of shit. You’re probably wrong more than any “media” related person ever. It’s sad that you have to pollute Deadspin with your pathetic liberal drivel. I would love to have AJ come back and skull fuck you

Ashley, you’re a cunt, but you’re still not a bad as Ley and especially not as bad as Hamilton Nolan, he can go fuck himself hard

I’m a Lions fan and I still doubt it. They scored 0 TDs against an awful Bears team. When will “experts” stop sucking Stafford’s cock?

You are a fucking idiot