Fuck Fallout 4
Fuck Fallout 4
Literally nothing like Gambit at all
So if a republican said this about horse faced Chelsea, I’m sure Gawker dipshits would be calling for that person’s head
Alex, how do you type with both of your fists shoved in your mouth?
She’s wearing a bedazzled trash bag. Fitting outfit for that piece of shit
Ashley, you are a cunt
You liberal fucking tools
If someone Theismans him, will BLM riot?
You’re trying to be Drew or Burneko and you’re really fucking bad at it
So his ability to play soccer is not even slightly effected
Hopefully he’s not black, I’m sick of the BLM savages rioting for no reason
Bumgarner throws lefty you fucking morons
Wouldn’t it be more accurate to say Sony mirrored MS on this front since the achievement and achievement points were in place before Sony even had trophies?
Fuck and no! I hope that they meet the Tribe in the playoffs and Tito exacts his revenge for getting railroaded out of Boston
Would you remember a random dude in a shirt? You’ll remember the guy in the gorilla costume
There is not going to be anything illegal, the IRS would blow him up if there was, there are just every exploitable tax loopholes that countless people always take advantage of
I work in commercial real estate lending(on a much smaller scale than any transactions Trump would be involved in), so I see this all the time! It’s honestly very common. Most accountants would probably be bad at their job if they didn’t do this for clients with investment or rental real estate holdings
Those aren’t real losses. It’s most likely tax losses by his real estate holdings, which probably actually made money, but using depreciation and interest, he was able to show a loss for tax purposes, but actually was profitable on a cash basis