
Tom, go fuck yourself

Hamiton, you pathetic liberal shit, why the fuck are you still here? Your little pansy liberal haven Gawker is dead. Go fuck yourself and go away

You’re a fucking ignoramus

Do you not see what Hillary does you fucking moron??

You’re a fucking retard

And gawker’s liberal dipshit posts have fully bled into its other surviving sights. What a crock of shit

Crap, I figured when they killed Gawker that meant the end of Hamilton’S dipshit liberal crybaby articles, guess I was mistaken.

My Gosnall you are fucking stupid. Free speech only allows for no legal action against you. No one who does these things is being arrested, that’s free speech. Cops not wanting to provide a private escort has nothing to do with free speech. Glad to see the ghost of gawker is haunting the remaining sites

No, Mariota was not in Lamar Jackson’s class. Not even close

Are we speaking in terms of pure mass? If so, I'd say Siragusa was close to 50% of that defense

Deadspin hates white people

You're a miserable faggot, can't wait to celebrate when you die

That’s a mistake I’d expect out of Tom Ley

So this was around the time that Hillary’s husband was cigar blasting Monica Lewinsky, got it!

Fuck safe spaces

So a guy who was born after ND’s last title seems to think that this team is going to win titles?

I don't know that Marshawn Lynch is an alumni of Cal, I thought he left early

They should save themselves time and cut Hackenberg now. Did anyone from the Jets organization watch any Penn State football? If they did, it would have reminded them of Mark Sanchez

Yep, was gonna say that after I read this article. He was awesome last year. It's a fun time to be a Yankee fan, it's been like being in a rut the past few years, but Cashman was awesome this year

This is a true social justice issue. Telling any man that didn’t like the new Ghostbusters movie that he’s a misogynist is why people call the SJW an idiot. It's like anything, there are smart people and dumb people. Dumb people are louder