I know this is only a 1-day stint for you on Deadspin, but can we permanently trade Tom Ley for you? Pretty please?
I know this is only a 1-day stint for you on Deadspin, but can we permanently trade Tom Ley for you? Pretty please?
Doesn’t OJ get a spot on the list for being the big Kardashian’s real dad?
I personally voted “Hell yeah”...I mean, he's the Rock. I'd probably also not turn down Chris Cornell, his voice is other worldly
He is a Chopped champion, so he can make whatever faces he wants!
He was the 3rd man in, honestly don't know how it was scored.
How much of the story is true...not a whole lot once you get past the first half of the movie. Basically almost everything involving him being at Notre Dame is fabricated.
Matt Saracen also didn’t fucking suck at football. And it took Street getting a spinal to get him on the field
Yep, there was a sack on the play. Rudy wasn't the man to tackle the QB though
But all of the dipshit ND fans that probably have never even been in the state of Indiana think this movie is a documentary.
The movie is 100% fiction and propaganda. Fuck Rudy and fuck Notre Dame
In real life, the scene where the players throw their jerseys on Dan Devine’s desk because Rudy wasn’t gonna get to play never happened. And on the actual “sack” that little shit Rudy was the 3rd man to hit the QB on the play. Of all of Sean Astin’s movies, Goonies and the Lord of the Rings movie are more historically…
Well, I guess it's a step up from Tom Ley at least
I disagree completely. It's different than most games today where you run in, guns blazing, and attack attack attack! But the combat mechanics work fine to me
Very very different. If you try and play BG like you play Diablo, you'll die early and often
Glad I knew exactly where to stop reading this article:
Better to be pissed off than pissed on
You mean Baba Yaga? It’s a pure side story but fits into the whole area well. Like a small offshoot of the natives that scattered, but it doesn't impact the main story at all
Go Guatemala
I was hoping it would be Jim Norton
Does anyone think too much of Dan Shaugnessy?