It was just that every quest was just “go here and kill everything”
It was just that every quest was just “go here and kill everything”
Agreed 100%
Your opinion is incorrect
She's already better than Ley, and this article is horribly wrong.
Candy corn is the worst, and peeps absolutely can be turned into smores, my sister and I did it all the time over the stove. Candy corns are the worst candy on earth period
So in summation:
I'm not surprised at all, this is exactly what I was anticipating!
The important thing is that Duke lost, that's it
Amazing free games! That I already own :( maybe it'll inject some life into the Sunset Overdrive online stuff, haven't played it in awhile but it's so much fun. Tony Hawk with guns and monsters!
This review makes the movie seem much better than I was expecting.
Fuck Caldwell!
If they implemented this, but there was no limit on what you could apply it to, like even with much older games, i’d be all for this!
That was just really freaking strange...
No surgery is fantastic news. As someone who has severely sprained my ankles many times and broke my left ankle twice, the thought of ankle injuries makes me cringe. Hoping he has a speedy recovery
SantaCon is worse simply based on the fact that there is nothing on earth worse than SantaCon
He fractured his ankle
I don’t use Instgram at all, it’s useless to me, but they did this to Facebook awhile ago with their fucking absurd “Top Stories” sorting that you always have to change back to “Most Recent” because they won't let you keep it at most recent by default. So this change was probably inevitable
Your posts are trash too Tom, but here you are!
NV didn’t feel rushed at all to me, thought the whole thing was built up well. KOTOR 2, they freely admitted was an incomplete game because it got rushed out the door before it was finished. Definite shame because it was such a great game until it just got hacked apart
The thing is, he hurt before that! He was sliding through Jericho’s legs and his foot got caught on the canvas, his body kept going...and it popped. He did that with the ankle already broken