
Shut up snowflake. 

Another clown who wouldn't recognize an actual virtue if it picked him up out of the gutter and gave him a hot meal .

I’d rather you kept them in a woodchipper

 You're too stupid to have an opinion, be quiet. 

What part of this made you think they were doing this to make Florida change? They are doing this to protect themselves. Florida can choose to keep being a GOP-run shithole where COVID and anti-LGBT laws are allowed to run wild and AGDQ can choose to take their business elsewhere?

Can we not just send them to Mars already, preferably together with Elon Musk

Y’know what’d be fun? If the GOP had any actual, constructive, logical idea designed to make life materially better for the American people.

A big part of keeping those cases numbers down, and any infections less severe, is vaccination, so GDQ rightly mandates it for attendance at the event, which they would not be able to do in Florida. I know they went with a smaller, socially distanced model for SGDQ this year as well, which I’m sure they would like to

Shut the fuck up snowflake

I will be donating extra to AGDQ this year in light of this decision. Standing on your principals in spite of incurring costs and penalties is both selfless and admirable.

Good on you, AGDQ staff.

“If you could read minds, you wouldn't game at all" wow so insightful

Nobody cares.

Imagine being so insecure that a fake woman holding a position of authority in a videogame made you uncomfortable. I'm not at all surprised that their celebacy is involuntary.

I get the reference, but seriously, if you’re going to be a major streamer, this is what you have to put up with and learn to get over like every other popular streamer in history. You can only change how you let it affect you over time, you can’t change assholes. They will always be around til the end of time. It

This is this dude’s first-ever post lol

I can just dismiss your comments. You have no power here. Bye, bitch.

Flag their comments and ignore them. They just want attention.

Flag their comments and ignore them. Don’t waste time on them.

This is a fucking awesome day, and no pack of whining Millennial Eeyores is going to ruin it. Huzzah and l’chaim, you all!

Go fuck yourself.