
You don’t NEED to watch the tachometer. They are useful, sure, but lots of cars don’t have one. The car I learned stick on didn’t. Learn to listen to your engine. High pitch means you need to shift up, low pitch means you need to shift down. Once you learn what your engine should sound like, you’re golden. Granted,

I drive a 95 Avalon that was fully loaded when it was new. Just passed 200k miles and it’s still super smooth and has pretty decent power too. If you got in it blindfolded, you wouldn’t have any way of knowing it was 20 years old. I love it.

Yes, it’s from HIMYM, but the gif is reversed. In the show, he smiles, then realizes it’s a dick and sits up in surprise.

How could you miss the bunker hill monument? I haven’t been to Boston in around 20 years and I instantly knew what it was.

Or you could, you know, just eat the skin. I love a good kiwi.

I don't think SiS was upset because she wouldn't spread her legs on demand. He's upset because they have different levels of desire for each other. This is deeply hurtful and neither party is happy in this type of situation. Granted, we've only heard one side of the story, but as long as SiS is being honest here, it

Internet comments notwithstanding, what's your problem with the article? It seems like sound advice to me, and probably describes the best solution for both couples.

I won't say "a lot of guys" since I can only speak for myself, but the most important thing for me is to see my partner sexually satisfied. Most women I've been with seem unable to grasp that their orgasm is more important and satisfying to me than my own, but it's absolutely true, and I doubt that is uncommon among

This. Maybe I'm just a little bit "James May", but the idea of building one of these by hand appeals to me in a way that I can't even describe. They're simply beautiful.

no matter how far to either end of the political spectrum you are, there is always someone out there more insane than you.

2014 Nissan Altima. I drove it on a business trip recently and hated every minute of it. When I got home, the only way I could explain it to my wife is by saying, "You know when Top Gear reviews a car and during the film say how great it is, but back in the studio say they hate it and never want to drive it again?

Came here for Spintires. Was not disappointed. Seriously, this game is awesome.

That....that is brilliant.

I am probably among the least-mechanically inclined people to frequent Jalopnik, but I can tell you everything in the lower list is easy-mode to fix, at least on my 95 Avalon. I just did a CV axle replacement a couple months ago, and while it involved finding the right axle socket and buying an impact gun, the

Whenever I ALMOST get hurt, but manage not to, it's time to pull out "YES! I AM INWINCIBLE!"

Not at all. I remember this from years ago. As an aside, I'm atheist and I love this tune.

Now playing

I've got a friend who's been running ultras for a looong time. Right now, he's competing in the sri chin moy 3100 self-trancendental race. Here's a video of him talking about his experience with ultras going back to the late 70's.

It's from an interview he did with Seth Green a while back. Apparently Mr. Green likes to put googly eyes on things and brought some with him.…