
I agree that Cosby's present degree of senility is dubious at best. At worst, it's a poor excuse for not hounding him for some real truth and reconciliation. As victim Tamara Green states,

Woe to sociopaths everywhere who use their power and status as license run amok over the most basic human rights of others. Here's hoping the Bill Cosby story has sexual predators shaking in their boots.

I can't stop seeing this image as two people that just so happen to have the same one-leg-on-backwards condition.

Sheesh. Art is free to be made and misunderstood. Meanwhile, conspiracy to commit cannibalism is not.

Everything you said suggests you will be more than ok when all's said and done! You're already learning to tune out the bs and how to tune into yourself :) Good luck with your little one - and if nobody's mentioned it to you yet, you are going to have so much fun!

I was way into Annie as a kid, so when showed the original Annie movie to my daughter like five years ago and I was surprised how terrible it was! I could barely make it through the whole thing. For all the star-studdedness of the casting, it is a singularly dark, dreary, unfunny film. However, the remake looks like

A prime example of the "Streisand Effect":)

His behavior reads like a textbook profile of a violent sociopath.

"I'm still learning how to use Instagram (or insert other new-fangled- technology."

"The alleged victim is much older than her chronological age."

Yes to all that! Covering all the basics is what it's all about. Everything else is icing on the cake:)

"It's so baaaad, I think it killed my caaaaat!" Brilliant.

Agreed. Pike can pull off the flashback Amy, but Affleck is a bit long in the tooth. I don't know. Maybe it's the Fincher filtered lighting, but Ben Affleck's Nick just looks befuddled in a doofy, paunchy middle-aged dad kind of way. Book Nick has a certain douchebaggy charisma that I feel was important to preserve.

Maggie Gyllenhaal's great-grandmother?

The police do "need to chase that one down". It's criminal negligence to lose track of one's firearm, regardless of intent or outcome. Mothers are arrested and charged with child endangerment for far less terrifying negligence. If gun advocates want to preach safety, they should support legal accountability for every

Exactly! And that is how I imagine actual monkeys would react upon seeing creepily realistic human baby dolls.

I agree. If only they had been peddling realistic baby MONKEY dolls...

The level of "shock and awe" in Ferguson, as I heard one journalist call it, should really be analyzed alongside the police's aggressive search tactics two years ago after the Boston Marathon bombing.