
It is time to lay this claim to rest. I truly wish that apparently reliable news sources would cease this canard that Tillerson called Trump a moron. In fact, no one around Tillerson at the time of this utterance credited this assertion. Having thoroughly investigated, it is clear that Tillerson never referred to

Donald Trump is dumb as rocks.

But he’s only saying what they think and say themselves. One of the cornerstones of conservatism is hate.

The non-stop hostility and dishonesty is exhausting. The person who occupies the Oval Office really does set a tone. 

The first question at the next White House Briefing (if there is another one) should be “President Trump said he would only hire the best”, and now he is calling his first Secretary of State dumb as a rock. Did President Trump not hire the best, or is his former Secretary of State really dumb as a rock? If the former,

Trump’s 24/7 sneering nastiness makes me ill. How this appeals to the MAGAts or anyone is frankly beyond me.

“ an effort to be as extreme and shocking as possible.”

On Thursday, he called Tillerson “‘dumb as a rock’”...and said he was “totally ill-prepared and ill-equipped” to be his Secretary of State.

In 2016 it was “I’m not a misogynist, I’d vote for Warren!”

I don’t think so. They know that Nancy is not going to upset the apple cart, unless the apple cart is already already on the ground broken.

Conservatives are the worst on gender issues, no doubt about it.

And they should be! Watching her ride out the shutdown earlier this year was goddamn inspiring.

Literally this....they can’t hit her on the actual topics because...well she’s knowledgeable and right on a lot of it so its down to grade-school callouts.

They are so fucking terrified of her.

Even though he says crazy stuff all the time, this one is really freaking me out. Its just so blatantly incorrect and false, I mean this just DOES NOT happen, and he says it and people believe him! And the problem is that since he says wild stuff all of the time, scenarios like this get ignored and lost in the

No, he wants the uneducated masses to continue voting for policies and politicians that will make him money. He likes poor people and would be happy if there were more.

I don’t think he cares. He just wants people to applaud when he speaks. If that means saying things and passing policies that lead to women dying, that’s about as important to him as the welfare of people who work in his hotels.

He is. But then even my 80 yr old father believes in a woman's right to an abortion. 

I am one of those people who think Trump definitely paid for a few abortions back in the day, and to see him now standing on a podium harshly condemning women who have abortions as baby killers and telling lies about hospice care for the mothers of babies born dead or dying, and it makes perfect sense. To be a beacon

He just wants us all to die.